[Paraview] bug in ParaView 3.4.0 server

Stephen Wornom stephen.wornom at sophia.inria.fr
Wed Dec 17 03:46:44 EST 2008

I am trying to visualize a data set with 500,000 vertices using pv 3.4.0 
without success.

1-step 1: I start the server with this script
#PBS -N "Paraview_32"
#PBS -l "nodes=16:nef:ppn=2"
#PBS -l "walltime=4:00:00"

ulimit -s unlimited

echo "The server is listening on host $server "
#/usr/local/bin/mpiexec2 /usr/local/paraview/bin/pvserver 

mpiexec --comm=mpich2 /home/install/paraview-340/bin/pvserver 

step 2: I identify which processor is listening on host

step 3: I open pv 3.4.0 on the client, enter the server name and host
The files are read correctly on the client and the outline of the mesh 
can be seen on the client screen. When I try to visualize a solution 
field (points, wireframe, surface) I get the following error.

ERROR: In /tmp/ParaView-3.4.0/Servers/Common/vtkServerConnection.cxx,
line 67
vtkServerConnection (0x5df84f0): Server Connection Closed!

step 4: when I do on the server
ls -al /tmp/ParaView-3.4.0/Servers/Common/vtkServerConnection.cxx
I get
cannot access 
/tmp/ParaView-3.4.0/Servers/Common/vtkServerConnection.cxx: No such file 
or directory

step 5: If I copy all the vtu,...etc files to the client and open pv
3.4.0, we can visualize the same data with no
problems (the paraview server on the server is not used).

Can anyone help resolved the problem. I can send all the files to anyone 
who will help resolve the problem.
The above works correctly with a small mesh (43,000 vertices) using 
8-procs. The above was with a mesh (500,000 vertices)using 32-processors.

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