[Paraview] stereo wall configuration

Patrick Shinpaugh shpatric at vt.edu
Mon Jul 7 15:19:48 EDT 2008

I upgraded from ParaView-2.6.1 to ParaView-3.2.2 on our stereo wall 
(CentOS linux built with openmpi). After updating our command line 
script and adding a default_servers.pvsc file I am finally able to 
connect to the pvserver running on localhost. Unfortunately, it is not 
creating a window on the :0.1 screen. Any idea what I might be doing 
wrong? Or is there an easier way to render on the second screen? We want 
a client on screen 0 and a full screen window on screen 1 which used to 
work in PV-2.6.1. Stereo 3 is enabled in X for the screen 1 not on the 
screen 0. Pertinent files shown below (note - the lines commented with # 
showing the filename are not part of the actual files):


# /usr/local/bin/paraview-wall
mpirun -np 1 pvserver /etc/paraview/wall.pvx &
sleep 5
/usr/local/paraview/bin/paraview --server=localhost --stereo 


# /etc/paraview/wall.pvx
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
  <Process Type="client" />
  <Process Type="server" >
   <Machine Name="localhost"
            LowerLeft="-1.0 -1.0 -1.0"
            LowerRight="1.0 -1.0 -1.0"
            UpperLeft="-1.0  1.0 -1.0" />


# /usr/local/paraview/lib/paraview-3.2/default_servers.pvsc
  <Server name="localhost" resource="cs://localhost:11111">


Patrick Shinpaugh
Virginia Tech
UVAG System Administrator/Programmer

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