[Paraview] using paraview 3.2.1 in batch mode to produce a collection of jpg's

Jean Favre jfavre at cscs.ch
Wed Jul 16 08:47:34 EDT 2008

fer Mellibovsky wrote:
> I have a collection of vtk files from which to make a picture. I have 
> loaded into paraview 3.2.1 one of them and drawn some contour levels. 
> I wanted to save the result as a pvb file in order to run a script 
> using pvbatch to produce the whole series of jpg, but this option no 
> longer exists. What can I do. Is there a way to load a pvsm file in 
> batch mode and produce a jpg?
> Thank you
Yes, you may tell pvbatch to reload a state file, and to produce a jpg. 
You can then loop over all your files in your python script.

all answers to your questions can be found in the document:

I don't think version 3.2.1 does this very reliably though. I woud 
recommend the cvs version where the pvbatch support is much more reliable.
Swiss National Supercomputing Center

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