[Paraview] Utility to Generate Plugin Skeleton Project and Code

Michael Jackson mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
Wed Oct 1 09:26:20 EDT 2008

Since I have had some interest in the code I posted it to the  
following location:


note that it uses the boost::program_options library and Qt4. I  
figured since you are going to generate a plugin for ParaView you  
probably have Qt4 installed anyways. The boost part, well, if someone  
wants to rip that out and use something else lighter weight or has  
another suggestion then let me know.

Eventually I'll put a Qt Gui on it to make it a bit more friendly. I  
was also hoping to create an Eclipse Project Template for ParaView  
plugins for those of us using Eclipse-CDT.


>> I put together a quick command line app that takes a number of  
>> inputs and then generates a project directory with CMakeLists.txt  
>> file and associated source and xml files that build into a ParaView  
>> 3 plugin. If any one is interested in the code I can post it  
>> somewhere. I wanted to slap a Qt Gui on it at some point but ran  
>> out of time.
>> Maybe a nice utility to include with ParaView. The goal is to make  
>> creating plugins even easier.
>> _________________________________________________
>> | Mike Jackson - Principal Software Engineer      |
>> | BlueQuartz Software                             |
>> | mike.jackson at bluequartz.net                     |
>> | www.bluequartz.net                              |
>> ---------------------------------------------------

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