[Paraview] Ensuring that a plugin is loaded in pvpython
Bernhard Gschaider
bgschaid_lists at ice-sf.at
Mon Jan 5 13:55:05 EST 2009
I'm trying to write a script that loads a state-file and makes a
picture. The source that reads the data is in a plugin. The plugin is
loaded and works in paraview (obviously. Otherwise I couldn't generate
the state-file). The script is run via pvpython.
So before loading the State-file using servermanager.LoadState() I
load the plugin (actually both plugins) with servermanager.LoadPlugin()
Loading the state I get the error message
ERROR: In /home/openfoam/OpenFOAM/ThirdParty/ParaView-3.4.0/Servers/ServerManager/vtkSMProxyManager.cxx, line 327
vtkSMProxyManager (0x5a98bd0): No proxy that matches: group=sources and proxy=PV3FoamReader were found.
(PV3FoamReader being the source). I can verify that by having a look
at dir(servermanager.sources) - it's not there.
And now comes the punch-line: the same script worked on my Mac the
problem happens on my 64-Bit-Linux-Machine (and it is not a matter
of wrong-path or wrong dylib/so-extension. I checked). The plugin and
paraview were compiled on both machines from the same sources with the
same settings.
Is there a way to diagnose what the problem might be? I can't find two
things in the Python/servermanager-interface that would help me:
- A facility that lists all the loaded modules (Paraview can do this)
- Some feedback from LoadPlugin whether and why it failed. Currently
I can do
and I will see no difference to a sucessfully loaded module
To sum up my two problems:
Mac: paraview + Plugin = OK
pvpython + Plugin = OK
Linux: paraview + Plugin = OK
pvpython + Plugin = Not Loaded
What could be the cause?
b) Better interface to the plugin-facilities in Python.
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