[Paraview] error building my code

Natalie Happenhofer nataliehapp at hotmail.com
Fri Jan 9 05:44:53 EST 2009

I encounter yet another problem which is, I believe, independent from the library-linking issue. 
Trying to build my code (vtkVdcWriter.h and vtkVdcWriter.cxx) within paraview and expecting all the linker errors, I get the following error:

[99%] Generating vtkVdcWriterClientServer.cxx 
syntax error
***SYNTAX ERROR found in parsing the header file C:/ParaviewSource/ParaView3/Plugins/vtkVdcWriter.h before line 49 ***

I believe it´s an error thrown by the Qt. Does anyone know what´s the problem here (the vtkVdcWriter.h file is posted below) or at least, how I can get an error message which is at least a bit more specific?

#ifndef _vtkVdcWriter_h
#define _vtkVdcWriter_h

#include "vtkProcessObject.h"
#include "vtkDataSet.h"
#include <vector>
#include <string>

class VTK_EXPORT vtkVdcWriter : public vtkProcessObject
  static vtkVdcWriter *New();
  void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent);

  // Set or get the file name of the vdc file.
  virtual void SetFileName(const char* fname);
  virtual const char* GetFileName();

  // Set the input data set.
  virtual void SetInput(vtkDataSet* ds);

  // Description:
  // Get any input of this filter.
  vtkDataObject *GetInput(int idx);
  vtkDataObject *GetInput() 
    {return this->GetInput( 0 );}

  // Write the XDMF file.
  void Write();

  //routines from vapor vdfcreate
 int cvtToOrder(const char *from, void *to);
 int cvtToExtents(const char *from, void *to);
 int cvtTo3DBool(const char *from, void *to);
 int getUserTimes(const char *path, vector <double> &timevec); 

 int WriteVDF(unsigned int* dims, int numts, int level, string coordsystem, string metafilename, string var);


  char *FileNameString;
  char *MetaFileName;
  char *DataFileName;
#endif /* _vtkVdcWriter_h */

Could it be a problem using STL-classes here?

thx for any piece of advice,

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