[Paraview] Insert text source into view in a script

M. Nawijn nawijn at gmail.com
Wed Jul 15 16:01:11 EDT 2009


I am a newbie in Paraview Python scripting, so I apologize upfront if
this is a trivial question.

I am processing a set of datafiles obtained from an optical
measurement system. I so far succeeded in loading the data file,
adding a color legend and storing the resulting view in a image file.
Sample code is posted below.

What I would like to do next is add a text source to the view to
provide some contextual information about the data (in particular the
external load level at which the data was captured). I managed to add
a text source to an "empty" view (so without first reading the data),
but I cannot find a way to have the data and text source together.

Can someone explain how I can add this to the view?

Kind regards,


#==== What I have so far ===================================================

from paraview.simple import *

lt = MakeBlueToRedLT(-1.0, 1.0)

bar = servermanager.rendering.ScalarBarWidgetRepresentation()
bar.LookupTable = lt
bar.LabelColor = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
bar.Title      = r'W [mm]'
bar.TitleColor = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
bar.LabelFontSize = 14
bar.AspectRatio   = 15.0
bar.AutomaticLabelFormat = 0

reader = XMLUnstructuredGridReader(FileName='disp-stage-%d.vtu' % 17)



view = GetActiveView()
view.Background = [0,0,0]
view.UseOffscreenRenderingForScreenshots = 0

dp = GetDisplayProperties()
dp.ColorArrayName = 'W'

rep = GetRepresentation()
rep.LookupTable = lt


load = 100.0
# Don't know how to get this into the view
text = Text()
text.Text = "Load %6.3f" % load

# Image does not show the text

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