[Paraview] 3d visualisation

Bernhard Gschaider bgschaid_lists at ice-sf.at
Thu Mar 12 09:58:41 EDT 2009

Hi Gavin!

(It's funny: you always meet the same people in very different places
;) )

>>>>> On Thu, 12 Mar 2009 08:38:34 +0000
>>>>> "GT" == Gavin Tabor <Dr> wrote:

    GT> Dear All, We are looking at buying a 3d projection system;
    GT> this consists of two projectors with polarising filters and a
    GT> screen, and you wear polarising glasses; it gives a very
    GT> impressive 3d effect. I use paraview (and paraFoam from
    GT> OpenFOAM) and would want to integrate this with the new system
    GT> - does anyone have any experience with 3d visualisation using
    GT> paraview?? I assume all that is necessary is to have 2 cameras
    GT> looking at the scene and feeding to the two projectors; but is
    GT> this already implemented, or if not, is anyone working on it??

These are just some pointers (some of them outdated):

The VTK-toolkit (which paraview is based on) seems to support


One (possibly outdated) method to get it to work in Paraview is
described here:


I think (not sure) that MayaVi (another postprocessor based on VTK)
had the option to switch to stero-rendering

I know this is sketchy, but it's all I know (maybe somebody here can
tell you more)


DI Bernhard F.W. Gschaider
EMail: 	Bernhard.Gschaider at ice-sf.at
WWW  : www.ice-sf.at
Jabber : bgschaid at jabber.org
Tel:	+43(3842)98282-42	Fax:	+43(3842)98282-02

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