[Paraview] Fast-LIC implementation - where are we? (Fred Fred)

Tobias Froebel tfroebel at gmx.de
Tue Sep 15 03:38:16 EDT 2009

Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Fröbel / CFD

Lehrstuhl für Flugantriebe / Fakultät Maschinenwesen
Boltzmannstrasse 15/Geb. 6
85747 Garching / Germany
Tel +
Fax +
froebel at lfa.mw.tum.de

> > Hello everyone!
> > 
> > can someone tell me please, if there is currently some development on
> > the implementation of "LIC Algorithm" and/or "Unstructured grid volume
> > rendering"? Or do you know someone who might know this?
> > 

We have an implementation of the Lagrangian Eulerian Advection algorithm 
published at IEEE Vis 2001. It produces LIC images for steady fields and 
time-dependent LIC-like textures with spatial and temporal continuity 
for un-steady fields.

Source code, Makefile and test routines are provided for VTK and ParaView.



Thomas Brandner; Sun Jan 9 05:53:52 EST 2000

Dear  vtk users,

I`m currently working on a study project about line integral convolution
This is a texture-based technique for effectively displaying 2D and 3D
vector fields.

Has anyone managed to implement this type of filter in vtk ?

As it is to be used  in VR-applications, the focus  is not so much on
accuracy but rather on efficiency to maintain interactivity. 

Thanks very much in advance for any help,
Thomas Brandner


And as far back as Mon Dec 11 10:16:19 EST 2000, Berk said:

LIC, FLIC and spot noise are in my to-do list. I don't know when I can
get to them though. If someone has implementations, I will be happy to
incorporate them to vtk.


"David P. Munich" wrote:

> > 
> > Does anyone know of an available implementation of Line Integral
> > Convolution(LIC) in VTK?
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Dave
> > 
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