[Paraview] some tables cannot be located using paraview.simple python api

Laurent Vanboquestal laurent.vanboquestal at gmail.com
Mon Aug 30 10:28:20 EDT 2010

Hi all,

I got some problems with the generated python code using paraview 3.8
(Python Trace State).

Using paraview GUI, I can load my pvsm file and when selecting "Glyph2" in
the pipeline browser, I
can set values like 'Solid Color', 'cellNormal', 'Velocity_Bis', ...

However, when executing the generated code using pvpython, I got this error:

vtkPVDReader : [ ...........]
vtkPVArrayCalculator : [ ...........]
vtkPVArrayCalculator : [ ...........]
vtkWarpVector : [ ...........]
vtkPVClipDataSet : [ ...........]
vtkPVArrowSource : [ ...........]
vtkPVGlyphFilter : [ ...........]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "p5.py", line 365, in <module>
    DataRepresentation13.ColorArrayName = 'Velocity_bis'
line 204, in __setattr__
line 2361, in setProperty
line 253, in SetPropertyWithName
line 681, in SetData
ValueError: Could not locate array Velocity_bis in the input.

Any idea? Or advice to tackle this issue?

Best Regards,

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