[Paraview] paraview - client-server

burlen burlen.loring at gmail.com
Thu Feb 4 15:05:07 EST 2010


I have used ssh for this on such systems. As long as the batch system 
gives you exclusive use of the set of compute nodes(usually the case), 
you shouldn't have to worry about ports being used by others because the 
tunnel is through your ssh connection. It's not automated though. Here 
is how I do it:

I use two terminals on my workstation, in the following denoted by t1$ 
and t2$, say fe is the front end on your cluster. In the first terminal:

    t1$ ssh fe
    t1$ qsub -I -V -l select=XX -l walltime=XX:XX:XX

XX is replaced by your values. The job starts and you're automatically 
ssh'd into some compute node, which we'll say has hostname NODE. In the 
second terminal:

    t2$ ssh fe
    t2$ ~C<enter>

The ~C bit is an escape sequence that sets up the port forward. ZZZZZ is 
a port number on your workstation. YYYYY is a port number on the server 
that is not blocked by the clusters internal firewall (see your sys 
admin). Now back to terminal one, and your waiting compute node:

    t1$ module load PV3-modulefile
    t1$ mpiexec pvserver --server-port=YYYYY

The module is what sets up the ld library path and paths for your 
ParaView server install (see your sys admin). now paraview is running on 
the cluster. You start the ParaView client locally and connect over port 
ZZZZZ on localhost.

That's what I do, if you come up with some automated script though that 
would be killer.

Bart Janssens wrote:
> On Thursday 04 February 2010 07:59:46 pm Rakesh Hammond wrote:
>> I am no expert on this type of stuff, but I can see how this would work
>> - the question is if you have multiple users connecting at the same
>> time, obviously you can't forward everything into 11111 for example.
> Hi Rakesh,
> If you use reverse connections, the compute nodes only need to be able to 
> connect to outside machines (i.e. the workstations). Turning on NAT on a 
> gateway machine, i.e. the frontend, should be sufficient for that, and no port 
> forwarding is needed. This works on a standard Rocks setup, which enables the 
> frontend as gateway by default.
> Cheers,
> Bart
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