[Paraview] Python scripting : problem with Representation

Nicolas Richart nicolas.richart at epfl.ch
Wed Feb 10 07:55:54 EST 2010


I try to modify representation properties in order to color my data with 
the values of an array
and I get a segmentation fault.

So I try the example which is on the wiki on the Python Scripting page
And i also get a segmentation fault during the rendering

>>>  from  paraview.simple  import  *
paraview version 3.7.0, Date: 2009-11-24
>>>  sph = Sphere()
>>>  elev = Elevation(sph)
>>>  Show(elev)
vtkSphereSource : [ ...........]
vtkElevationFilter : [ ...........]
<paraview.servermanager.GeometryRepresentation object at 0x371b410>
>>>  Render()
vtkPVGeometryFilter : [ ...........]
vtkPVCacheKeeper : [ ...........]
vtkPainterPolyDataMapper : [ ...........]
vtkPainterPolyDataMapper : [ ...........]
<paraview.servermanager.RenderView object at 0x23fbb10>
>>>  dp = GetDisplayProperties(elev)
>>>  dp.Representation  ='Points'
>>>  ai = elev.PointData[1]
>>>  dp.LookupTable  = MakeBlueToRedLT(0,0.5)
>>>  dp.ColorAttributeType  ='POINT_DATA'
>>>  dp.ColorArrayName  ='Elevation'  # color by Elevation
>>>  Render()
vtkPainterPolyDataMapper : [ ...........]
Segmentation fault

I'm using paraview 3.7
Do you have an idea of what happens?

Thanks in advance

Nicolas Richart
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