[Paraview] Error in ParaView CVS Head with CMake Configuration

Dave Partyka dave.partyka at kitware.com
Mon Feb 22 13:30:36 EST 2010

I just moved the definition of ParaView_QT_DIR to be just before including
ParaViewCommon. Give it a shot and let me know if it doesn't fix your

On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 12:04 PM, Michael Jackson <
mike.jackson at bluequartz.net> wrote:

> Pulled the latest CVS Head from GitHub? Is that really the latest?
>  When I tried to configure ParaView with my plugins using
> PARAVIEW_EXTRA_EXTERNAL_MODULES I get the following error:
> -- Plugin: IPFFilter enabled
> CMake Error: File /Components/pqObjectPanelImplementation.h.in does not
> exist.
> CMake Error at
> /Users/Shared/Kitware-CVS/ParaView/CMake/ParaViewPlugins.cmake:281
>  configure_file Problem configuring file
> Call Stack (most recent call first):
>  /Users/mjackson/Workspace/PVMXADataModel/Source/Client/IPFFilter/CMakeLists.txt:93
> IPFFilter is my own plugin. The problem is that ParaView_QT_DIR is NOT
> defined at the point where my CMake code is executed. Looking at the top
> level CMakeLists.txt file I see that the Plugins are loaded at line 238
> (INCLUDE(ParaViewCommon)) which then picks up my code. The problem is that
> ParaView_QT_DIR is NOT defined until line 272 in the top level
> CMakeLists.txt file. This causes problems for my external modules because I
> have Qt code that needs to be compiled.
>  Is this a bug or am I just missing something?
> ___________________________________________________________
> Mike Jackson                      www.bluequartz.net
> Principal Software Engineer       mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
> BlueQuartz Software               Dayton, Ohio
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