[Paraview] Printing from a macro

Greg Schussman schussman at slac.stanford.edu
Thu Oct 6 14:10:08 EDT 2011

Hi, Pat.

You're right.  When the print comes from inside a programmable filter, 
the output goes to the Output Messages, and when I print from the macro, 
the output goes to the Python Shell.

I had thought that, within a programmable filter,

   print "something"

was going to the Output Messages, and

   print "something", mylist

was going to the Python Shell,  but I am not able to reproduce this.

Thanks for solving the mystery!


On 10/06/2011 10:33 AM, pat marion wrote:
> Hi Greg,
> I may be out of touch with some recent paraview developments, but I 
> have never seen this behavior before, it sounds like a bug to me.  
> Output from code that is executed in the python console, which 
> includes python macros, should always be routed to the python console, 
> not paraview's output window.   Perhaps you are printing from inside a 
> python programmable filter?
> Pat
> 2011/10/6 Greg Schussman <schussman at slac.stanford.edu 
> <mailto:schussman at slac.stanford.edu>>
>     Hi, Pierre.
>     Thanks for responding, especially considering your workload.
>     Best of luck on your mission.
>     I'll keep looking at this, and will post if I find something or
>     figure something out.
>     Greg
>     On 10/06/2011 01:28 AM, Pierre Chevalier Géologue wrote:
>         Hello,
>         Sorry for the delay: too much work!
>         Le 05/10/2011 00:46, Greg Schussman claviota:
>             Would you have any idea how to set the focus from python?
>         Hm, not really.  I'll see if I can figure it out, I'll keep you
>         informed.  Not in the coming days, I'm afraid, I'm just about
>         to leave
>         for a mission in Africa.
>         À+
>         Pierre
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