[Paraview] vtkPCosmoReader

Ula Popov ula.popov at gmail.com
Tue Oct 25 04:22:29 EDT 2011

Hello all,

Till last week I used vtkCosmoReader to read .cosmo files.
Now I try to use its parallel version,
and I have a few questions.

I noticed that there are more functions, like SetRL
and SetOverlap.
I set them, should I call update() after that?

i tried to run this:
    vtkPCosmoReader *cosmo_reader = vtkPCosmoReader::New();
    vtkUnstructuredGrid *cosmo_data;
    cosmo_data = cosmo_reader->GetOutput(0);

I get bad-alloc error because of

if i comment this line out,
it will go through, but the all the fields will have values equal to zero.

Thank you,
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