[Paraview] Problem with Temporal Cache

Mohamad M. Nasr-Azadani mmnasr at gmail.com
Sun Apr 8 20:38:43 EDT 2012


I am doing a simple experiment.
I load a *.PVD file (time aware) which looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <VTKFile type="Collection" version="0.1" byte_order="LittleEndian"
    <DataSet timestep="0.0" group="" part="0" file="vel_vec_0.vtr"/>
    <DataSet timestep="0.2" group="" part="0" file="vel_vec_1.vtr"/>
    <DataSet timestep="0.4" group="" part="0" file="vel_vec_2.vtr"/>
    <DataSet timestep="0.6" group="" part="0" file="vel_vec_3.vtr"/>
    <DataSet timestep="0.8" group="" part="0" file="vel_vec_4.vtr"/>
    <DataSet timestep="1.0" group="" part="0" file="vel_vec_5.vtr"/>
    <DataSet timestep="1.2" group="" part="0" file="vel_vec_6.vtr"/>
    <DataSet timestep="1.4" group="" part="0" file="vel_vec_7.vtr"/>
    <DataSet timestep="1.6" group="" part="0" file="vel_vec_8.vtr"/>
    <DataSet timestep="1.8" group="" part="0" file="vel_vec_9.vtr"/>
    <DataSet timestep="2.0" group="" part="0" file="vel_vec_10.vtr"/>

Then, I apply a Temporal Cache [Cache size = 2] (or similarily Temporal
Interpolator [Discrete Timestep Interval=0.1]) to the loaded dataset.

Then, I create a simple "Slice" filter on my dataset, as soon as I play
animation, Paraview gives this Error message or sometimes crashes. (PV
3.14, on Ubuntu).

line 934

vtkPVPostFilterExecutive (0x3035620): No maximum number of pieces has been
set in the information for output port 0 on algorithm

What is it that I am doing wrong?


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