[Paraview] libQtHelp.so.4 error

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Sun Apr 29 13:32:13 EDT 2012

Good to know. Thanks for the update.


On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 6:32 AM, Magician <f_magician at mac.com> wrote:
> Hi Utkarsh,
> I had been trying to solve libQtHelp errors.
> Finally I succeeded to run my ParaView.
> I missed two important settings.
> First one was about Qt.
> Qt 4.6.2 was pre-installed on CentOS 6.2 and I additionally
> installed Qt 4.6.4 from tarball, so both versions of Qt were
> mixed on my CMake setting.
> My old ParaView on CentOS 6.2 looked no problem, but it referred
> pre-installed Qt 4.6.2.
> On the other hand, CentOS 5.3's Qt was 3.3, so it couldn't be
> referred from ParaView (it was already built with Qt 4.6.4).
> When I changed QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE as /usr/local/bin/qmake from
> /usr/bin/qmake-qt4 (pre-installed qmake) and re-configured
> on CentOS 6.2, all Qt settings were updated.
> Second one was about LD_LIBRARY_PATH as you mensioned.
> My ParaView (built with Qt 4.6.4) still dumped libQtHelp errors.
> If I did "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib", my ParaView ran.
> And also I modified /etc/ld.so.conf, they ran too.
> Thanks for your advices!!
> Magician
> On 2012/04/25, at 22:19, Utkarsh Ayachit wrote:
>> Looks like "/usr/local/lib" is not a default path where your CentOS
>> looks for loading libs. The ParaView from the binary dir works since
>> it uses rpaths for all libs and it has the rpath for the Qt libs too.
>> That gets removed on install and hence the issue. Try googling around,
>> there must be a way to extend your default lib search path.
>> Utkarsh
>> On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 8:51 AM, Magician <f_magician at mac.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Utkarsh,
>>> Thanks for your Advices.
>>> I tried to do LD_DEBUG, and 2 different results are found.
>>> If I did it for ./ParaView_bin/paraview (built by "make"):
>>>> 6166: find library=libQtHelp.so.4 [0]; searching
>>>> 6166:  search path=/home/magician/Desktop/ParaView-bin/bin:/usr/local/lib/tls/x86_64:/usr/local/lib/tls:/usr/local/lib/x86_64:/usr/local/lib:tls/x86_64:tls:x86_64:           (RPATH from file ./bin/paraview)
>>>> 6166:   trying file=/home/magician/Desktop/ParaView-bin/bin/libQtHelp.so.4
>>>> 6166:   trying file=/usr/local/lib/tls/x86_64/libQtHelp.so.4
>>>> 6166:   trying file=/usr/local/lib/tls/libQtHelp.so.4
>>>> 6166:   trying file=/usr/local/lib/x86_64/libQtHelp.so.4
>>>> 6166:   trying file=/usr/local/lib/libQtHelp.so.4
>>> ...And ParaView was started successfully.
>>> Then I also did it for /usr/local/bin/paraview (installed by "make install"):
>>>> 6321: find library=libQtHelp.so.4 [0]; searching
>>>> 6321:  search path=/usr/local/lib/paraview-3.14:/usr/local/tls/x86_64:/usr/local/tls:/usr/local/x86_64:/usr/local             (LD_LIBRARY_PATH)
>>>> 6321:   trying file=/usr/local/lib/paraview-3.14/libQtHelp.so.4
>>>> 6321:   trying file=/usr/local/tls/x86_64/libQtHelp.so.4
>>>> 6321:   trying file=/usr/local/tls/libQtHelp.so.4
>>>> 6321:   trying file=/usr/local/x86_64/libQtHelp.so.4
>>>> 6321:   trying file=/usr/local/libQtHelp.so.4
>>>> 6321:  search cache=/etc/ld.so.cache
>>>> 6321:  search path=/lib64/tls/x86_64:/lib64/tls:/lib64/x86_64:/lib64:/usr/lib64/tls/x86_64:/usr/lib64/tls:/usr/lib64/x86_64:/usr/lib64                (system search path)
>>>> 6321:   trying file=/lib64/tls/x86_64/libQtHelp.so.4
>>>> 6321:   trying file=/lib64/tls/libQtHelp.so.4
>>>> 6321:   trying file=/lib64/x86_64/libQtHelp.so.4
>>>> 6321:   trying file=/lib64/libQtHelp.so.4
>>>> 6321:
>>> /usr/local/lib/paraview-3.14/paraview: error while loading shared libraries: libQtHelp.so.4: cannot open shared object file: Error 40
>>> ...And ParaView couldn't be started.
>>> I hope ParaView could run on /usr/local/bin by all users of my machine.
>>> On 2012/04/24, at 2:02, Utkarsh Ayachit wrote:
>>>> Try running ParaView as:
>>>>> LD_DEBUG=libs ./bin/paraview                                                                                                     ~/Kitware/ParaView3/ParaViewBin
>>>> Pipe the output to a file and look at the output. It should tell you where it's looking for the QtHelp.
>>>> Utkarsh
>>>> On Sun, Apr 22, 2012 at 10:39 AM, Magician <f_magician at mac.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I succeeded to build ParaView on CentOS 6.2,
>>>> and I had another Linux Workstation of CentOS 5.3.
>>>> So I built ParaView 3.14.1 on CentOS 5.3,
>>>> but I got some troubles to execute ParaView.
>>>> I installed those packages by yum command:
>>>>> libXext-devel.x86_64
>>>>> dbus-devel.x86_64
>>>>> libXext-devel.x86_64
>>>>> glib2-devel.x86_64
>>>>> gstreamer-devel.x86_64
>>>>> gstreamer-plugins-base-devel.x86_64
>>>>> gtk2-devel.x86_64
>>>>> libXt-devel.x86_64
>>>> And I built Python 2.7.2 (as Shared Library), cmake 2.8.7
>>>> and Qt 4.6.4 from sources.
>>>> Then I built ParaView, it seemed to be installed successfully.
>>>> But when I execute ParaView, I got an error as below:
>>>>> /usr/local/lib/paraview-3.14/paraview: error while loading
>>>>> shared libraries: libQtHelp.so.4: cannot open shared object
>>>>> file: No such file or directory
>>>> So I made symbolic link as below:
>>>>> ln -s /usr/local/lib/libQtHelp.so.4 /lib64/libQtHelp.so.4
>>>> But I got another error:
>>>>> /usr/local/lib/paraview-3.14/paraview: error while loading
>>>>> shared libraries: libQtHelp.so.4: cannot open shared object
>>>>> file: Error 40
>>>> How could I solve these problems?
>>>> Magician

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