[Paraview] Paraview-web

Anand Kulkarni anandk at eptive.com
Fri Feb 3 09:12:29 EST 2012


For Paraview Web, if I have to extend the capacities of paraview using plug
in for server side render, we can write scripts and put that under plugin
folder of PW.plugins correct! Can these scripts be written in Python as well
as c++ ? in case of c++ do I need to have any compiler or enable something
on paraview web / vtk wrap ?

I didn't had success in putting a cpp file and access it thru Paraview
Plugin using JS, however Python files work fine. Am I doing anything wrong?
Let me know the pre-requisites for C++ paraview plug-in.

Please help.


-----Original Message-----
From: Sebastien Jourdain [mailto:sebastien.jourdain at kitware.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 7:46 PM
To: Anand Kulkarni
Cc: paraview at paraview.org
Subject: Re: [Paraview] Paraview-web

Hi Anand,

ParaViewWeb is a technology that is already available which leverage
ParaView capability for data processing and visualization. As ParaView
is based on top of VTK, basically any VTK pipeline can be achieved.
ParaViewWeb provides access to ParaView's proxy directly through the
JavaScript or if you prefer on the server side through python plugins
that get automatically wrapped to JavaScript objects.

ParaViewWeb use JavaScript in the web browser, Java for the web server
and Python and C++ for the processing and rendering.

I'm sorry to say that, but there is not a strait answer to your
question. It will mainly depend on what you want to achieve and how.
In any case, ParaViewWeb could already provide you all you need, but
if not, you can still extend it to make it match.


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