[Paraview] Tecplot reading error

Gardner, William Payton wpgardn at sandia.gov
Wed Jan 18 17:19:23 EST 2012

I've attached a tecplot finite element ascii file (wellosm.tec) I'm trying to read into Paraview.  When I read it in I get the following errors...

ERROR: In ..\..\..\..\source\VTK\IO\vtkTecplotReader.cxx, line 1884
vtkTecplotReader (0000000012BF5D30): C:\Users\wpgardn\Documents\tutorials\Paraview\wellosm.tec: The record type # found in the file is unknown.
ERROR: In ..\..\..\..\source\VTK\IO\vtkTecplotReader.cxx, line 1884
vtkTecplotReader (0000000012BF5D30): C:\Users\wpgardn\Documents\tutorials\Paraview\wellosm.tec: The record type X found in the file is unknown.
ERROR: In ..\..\..\..\source\VTK\IO\vtkTecplotReader.cxx, line 1884
vtkTecplotReader (0000000012BF5D30): C:\Users\wpgardn\Documents\tutorials\Paraview\wellosm.tec: The record type 0.0000000000000000 found in the file is unknown.

And it goes on to list every field in the data file.  My thought is that it's something in the header.  Here's a copy of the header for a quick glance:

TITLE = "Well mean age problem                                       "
TITLE = "December 13, 2005                                           "
VARIABLES = "X", "Y", "Z", "Zone","Head","Mean age"
ZONE  T=" 1.0000000000E+20", DATAPACKING=BLOCK, N=    243, E=    128, ZONETYPE=FEBRICK, VARLOCATION=([      4]=CELLCENTERED)

Any ideas?


W. Payton Gardner, PhD
Sandia National Laboratories/6225
Advanced Systems Analysis
wpgardn at sandia.gov
505.284.9008 office

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