[Paraview] VRPlugin - VRPN ModelTransformMAtrix Grab problem

Aashish Chaudhary aashish.chaudhary at kitware.com
Fri Feb 14 09:22:16 EST 2014

On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 7:31 AM, Emiliano Pastorelli <hogancito at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi guys,
> i am testing the VRPlugin (VRPN connection only at the moment due to the
> issues i had with the VRUI connection) with a Razer Hydra joystik.
> The tracking of the position is fine, but when i connect one of the two
> joysticks and its three buttons to the grab of the ModelTransformMAtrix, i
> get a weird problem with the translate. The rotation and the reset word
> ones work like a charm, but when i click the translate world button (in the
> state file below, the Hydra.L2) the scene starts bouncing and flickering
> almost out of control. I see that it also translates, but it rotates around
> with this flicker also if i'm not even touching the tracked wand.
> Any idea on what might be causing that?

That is because we made two assumption on the dataset

1)  You initial direction would be OpenGL direction (-z inside)
2) You geometry origin is at 0,0,0

If your geometry is not at 0,0,0 then it will rotate around it. In the new
code, it got better but just need to make another pass at it. In the mean
time, can you tell if it is happening
if you use a sphere source as well?

- Aashish

> Best,
> H
> <VRPluginState>
>   <VRConnectionManager>
>     <VRPNConnection name="Hydra" address="Tracker0 at localhost">
>       <Button id="0" name="L0"/>
>       <Button id="1" name="L1"/>
>       <Button id="2" name="L2"/>
>       <Tracker id="0" name="LeftW"/>
>       <Tracker id="1" name="RightW"/>
>     </VRPNConnection>
>   </VRConnectionManager>
>   <VRInteractorStyles>
>     <Style class="vtkVRGrabWorldStyle" proxyName="RenderView1" proxy="269"
> property="ModelTransformMatrix">
>       <Button role="Reset world" name="Hydra.L0"/>
>       <Button role="Rotate world" name="Hydra.L1"/>
>       <Button role="Translate world" name="Hydra.L2"/>
>       <Tracker role="Tracker" name="Hydra.LeftW"/>
>     </Style>
>   </VRInteractorStyles>
> </VRPluginState>
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| Aashish Chaudhary
| R&D Engineer
| Kitware Inc.
| www.kitware.com
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