[Paraview] Plain text data with white space delimiters; Use raw array as axis/variables

Andy Bauer andy.bauer at kitware.com
Fri Jan 26 09:49:26 EST 2018


ParaView should be able to handle this. Try giving the filename a .csv
extension and then add a space for the Field Delimiter Characters options.
Optionally, you may also want to enable the Merge Consecutive Delimiters

On Fri, Jan 26, 2018 at 8:33 AM, Liang Wang <frank0734 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> 1) Does the ParaView GUI read a plain text file with white space as
> delimiters?
> 2) Can ParaView use a giving 1d array as an axis?
> My problem:
> I have a plain text data file, each column is a different variable, and
> delimiters are white space, e.g.,
> x y z variable1 variable 2
> Is there a way to read such a file and use x, y, z as coordinates of the
> resulting variables?
> For example, in TecPlot you can read in such a file and set axises to use
> the x, y, z (or any other named variables).
> For 1), does ParaView have an extra setting to set common options for
> plain text data like delimiter, header, skiprow, etc.?
> For 2), it appears to me that in ParaView all field/cell data is
> associated with a predefined axis, so it is not that straightforward to use
> a raw array as axis or as variable, though this is possible in the Python
> interface. Is this correct.
> Best,
> Liang
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