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<div style="direction:ltr; font-family:Tahoma; color:#000000; font-size:10pt">Hi Everyone,<br>
When generating streamlines from a 3D computation, in some parts, the streamlines appear broken. This is shown in the attached image (the arrows point to the broken parts).<br>
Increasing the "Maximum Streamline Length" parameter did not help.<br>
Using the "Point to Cell Data" filter, and then generating streamlines on the cell data did not help.<br>
Although in the image shown the broken parts are in an area of low velocity, this happens in regions of high velocity as well. It also does not seem to depend on grid resolution, as the broken parts show up all over.<br>
Has anyone experienced anything like this? Any ideas how to work around this?<br>
Thanks very much,<br>
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<div class="PlainText">Louis Steytler<br>
Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering<br>
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign<br>
1206 West Green Street<br>
Urbana, Il 61801<br>
steytle1@illinois.edu </div>