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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0010186ParaViewBugpublic2010-01-25 17:372010-01-25 21:51
ReporterAlan Scott 
Assigned ToKen Moreland 
StatusclosedResolutionwon't fix 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0010186: Colors not seperate in different windows.
DescriptionIf a user tries to display two datasets with the same variable name in two windows, the min and max will be the same in both windows. This is a bug.

ParaView trunk, local server, XP.

Open disk_out_ref.exo. All variables on. Apply. Color by Pres.
Split horizontal.
Open disk_out_ref.exo again. All variables on. Apply. Color by Pres.
Now, open the Color Scale Editor, turn off Automatically Rescale to Fit Data Range. Select Rescale Range. Change Maximum to 0.01. Close.

Move the mouse over the left viewport. Notice that the colors will change there also. This is a bug.
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Ken Moreland (manager)
2010-01-25 19:28

This is not a bug. It is a feature. ParaView maintains consistency of coloring of a field, and ParaView determines that two fields are the same by their name. Breaking this consistency would be sacrilegious because it would confuse the display and lead to misinformation as the same colors could mean different values in different views or on different objects (likewise different colors to same values). It would be heinous to break ParaView's behavior.

Even if the fields come from different data sets, if they are named the same then that is a pretty good indicator that they have the same meaning. For example, if two data sets both have a field name temperature, then chances are that the actual values have related meaning and should have the same colors. Even if the two data sets have different ranges, giving a single color map is still the right thing to do.

I can think of only two exceptions to this. The first is if the fields have different units. This is a valid concern, but would be a completely different feature request (i.e. support units in ParaView). The second is if the fields are ambiguously named and you consequently get a name clash. In this case, you have chosen field names poorly and I feel little guilt forcing you to jump through some hoops (such as renaming a field with the calculator filter) to resolve the issue.
Alan Scott (manager)
2010-01-25 21:51

I'll take this as a ligitimate response. What the user wants to do is display the heat of an engine, and the heat in the pistons, next to each other. If you color by the heat of the engine, you just see the pistons as "hot". Thus, he really does want to mix and match - with a color legend in both. I let him use the calculator to create another var, with appropriate (corrected) names.

 Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-01-25 17:37 Alan Scott New Issue
2010-01-25 19:28 Ken Moreland Note Added: 0019303
2010-01-25 19:28 Ken Moreland Status backlog => @80@
2010-01-25 19:28 Ken Moreland Resolution open => won't fix
2010-01-25 19:28 Ken Moreland Assigned To => Ken Moreland
2010-01-25 21:51 Alan Scott Note Added: 0019304
2010-01-25 21:51 Alan Scott Status @80@ => closed

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