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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0009147ParaViewBugpublic2009-06-12 16:212009-12-02 20:38
ReporterKen Moreland 
Assigned ToKen Moreland 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target Version3.8Fixed in Version 
Summary0009147: (SLAC) When saving animation, adjust padding to maintain aspect ratio
DescriptionWhen you request to save an animation, the save animation dialog box defaults to a resolution different from the actual view size, which is what the user would expect. Instead, there is a 16 pixel buffer removed from the horizontal and vertical directions. Generally, that is not a big issue as there is no direct way to set the view size anyway.

Where this can become most noticeable is when it changes the aspect ratio of the screen, which in turn causes the view to appear to zoom in or out for the saved files. The aspect ratio can change if it starts out at a very high ratio. If, for example, the image is much wider than it is high, then subtracting 16 pixels from the width will have a much smaller effect than subtracting it from the height.

Rather than subtract a constant 16 pixels from the width and height, it should subtract 16 from the smaller of the two and adjust the amount from the other to maintain a constant aspect ratio.
Additional InformationThe resolution adjustment occurs in pqAnimationManager::saveAnimation when it subtracts PADDING_COMPENSATION from the size of the view. This should be fixed to maintain a constant aspect ratio.

What should NOT be "fixed" is the adjustment later on in pqViewManager::prepareForCapture. This is where the end resolution the user picked is compared against the available pixel case. The padding is used here too, but here it should be maximal to minimize the chance magnification is needed.
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Ken Moreland (manager)
2009-11-09 15:49

ParaView3/Qt/Components/pqAnimationManager.cxx, r 1.33 -> 1.34
Alan Scott (manager)
2009-12-02 20:38

Looks good to me. Tested local server.

 Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2009-06-12 16:21 Ken Moreland New Issue
2009-06-12 16:21 Ken Moreland Status backlog => tabled
2009-06-12 16:21 Ken Moreland Assigned To => Ken Moreland
2009-11-09 15:49 Ken Moreland Note Added: 0018378
2009-11-09 15:49 Ken Moreland Status tabled => @80@
2009-11-09 15:49 Ken Moreland Resolution open => fixed
2009-12-02 20:38 Alan Scott Note Added: 0018680
2009-12-02 20:38 Alan Scott Status @80@ => closed

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