ParaView 3 Telecon 06-25-2009

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Item People Description
1 Ice MARS/V&V Milestone issues
2 Berk Axes and labeling
3 Julien/Utkarsh Scatter plot user interface
4 Moreland Stronger Dashboard
  • Repository lockdown?
  • Dashboard drill sergeant
  • Boiling the frog coverage
5 Thompson Statistics Update
6 Feng Parallel Coordinates Update
7 Ayachit ParaView 3.6 Release Update

Axes and labeling

Our axes and labeling sucks. We should make it better.

We have several implementations of axes in VTK, none work well in all cases.

Berk will start a Wiki page on axes design requirements. The rest of the team should comment. Julien will be responsible for implementation.

One issue with our current labels is the ability to show non-ascii characters. Super/subscripts are important. Rotation is also good. Jason Shephard has already implemented a version that uses Qt under the cover that can handle all this.

Scatter plot user interface

There was a question whether we would support multiple inputs at a time. That makes no sense, so that is (no longer) a use case.

Stronger Dashboards

That dashboard has more green lately. The random failures seem to be resolved.

To enforce a green dashboard, some one (probably Dave Partika) will be responsible for monitor the dashboards and making sure developers fix their bugs. We are also thinking of a way to publicly humiliate people who break checkin rules.

Berk suggests adding a task to the 3.8 deliverables to increase code coverage.

Testing plugins is a bit sticky. Utkarsh will write a Wiki page describing how to test a plugin.

Statistics Update

Dave T. is slowly getting there. Probably be a couple of weeks before it is done.

Parallel Coordinates Update

Histograms are computed; drawing the histogram plot. Implemented VTK lasso threshold.

Next: get the outliers drawn. Then, write ParaView versions.

ParaView 3.6 Release

Party Dave is working on making binaries.

VisIt reader plugin will only be on Linux binary. Compiling VisIt to build against on those other platforms has proven too challenging. We will be waiting for VisIt to convert to CMake.