ParaView 3 Telecon 12/05/2006

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Item People Description
1 Moreland Action Items
2 Geveci December release
3 Moreland ParaView 3.0 Deliverables
4 Stimpson Qt 4.2 Migration
5 All Source/Filter Creation


Source/Filter Creation

The current selection of filters from the Filters menu is not very user fiendly. The catagories do not make much sense and the all filters list is hard to scroll on some systems.

During our summmit meeting last week (well, earlier, too) it was suggested that we make a dialog box that has several controls for finding and selecting sources and filters. In addition to quick catagories, it could also provide search mechanisms that allow users to find filters based on their descriptions. Dave K. gave the suggestion of making the dialog a dockable window so that it can always be up and to minimize the amount of clicks needed to create filters.

Unfortunatly, it is unclear if we have time to devise such a dialog. And even if we did, we are unclear on user acceptance. So, for the moment we will continue to use menues to select sources and filters. If we have time before the branch, we will also build the dialog box. Either way we need to clean up the filters menu. We agreed that, at least for now, we should get rid of most of the filter catagories. Two catagories should be available: a most recently used and a most common filters. After the two submenu items, there should be a menu separator followed by an alphabetical list of filters. Corey volunteers to do this.