Prism Views

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The purpose of the page is to explain the "views" used in Prism and how they are implemented in VTK.

There are two "views" that are available in Prism. They are the "Geometry View" and the "SESAME View". The Geometry View is simply a rendering of an exodus file. The SESAME view consists of two parts. The first part generates points based on a conversions of the cell data from the exodus file. The second part is a 3d surface generated from a SESAME file. A SESAME file contains the phase properties for a particular material. For example, arrays for temperature, density and conductivity.

Below are the VTK sources and filters that make up the views. The Geometry View starts with a vtkPExodusReader and ends at a display. The first part of the SESAME View starts with the output of the vtkSmartExtractGeometry from the Geometry View. The second part of the SESAME View starts with the SESAMEReader. Both parts of the SESAME View end in the same display. A transform based on the bounds of the second part of the SESAME View is used to transform the first part.

Geometry View
vtkBandPassFilter* (Histogram Selection)
<math>\downarrow</math> <math>\searrow</math>
<math>\downarrow</math> Display
SESAME View <math>\downarrow</math>
vtkDataPoint* (vtkPointDataToCellData)
vtkSESAMEUnitConversionFunction* (vtkFunctionSet)
<math>\downarrow</math> <math>\downarrow</math>
vtkSmartExtractGeometry vtkRectilinearGridGeometryFilter
<math>\downarrow</math> <math>\downarrow</math>
vtkTransformFilter <math>\longleftarrow</math> vtkTransform*<math>\longleftarrow</math> vtkTransformFilter
<math>\downarrow</math> <math>\downarrow</math>
vtkAssignAttribute vtkWarpScalar
<math>\downarrow</math> <math>\downarrow</math>
vtkGlyph3D <math>\downarrow</math>
<math>\downarrow</math> <math>\downarrow</math>
vtkPointDataToCellData <math>\downarrow</math>
<math>\searrow</math> <math>\swarrow</math>

* These filters and sources use custom routines.

McBride 12:37, 20 Apr 2006 (EDT)