Easy File Reader Creation

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Creating a file reader for ParaView is actually pretty hard. There is a lot of tribal knowledge about what the Request* methods do, how to handle information objects, what all the information keys mean, and what to do with them.

It would be a much lower barrier to entry if we had a layer that simplified the implementation of readers, at least for the easy cases. One place to look first is VisIt's reader plugin interface.

If we can come up with a "VisIt Database" like API for writing readers, we may be able to provide an adaptor that maps from "ParaView Interface" to VisIt Database thus making it easier to bring in VisIt plugins in to ParaView. - Utkarsh 09:35, 4 April 2009 (EDT)
I was originally thinking the same thing. As I recall, Burlen suggested that compiling the VisIt databases is fairly involved. So although it would simplify the code creation, it would be difficult to compile into ParaView. --Ken 11:17, 7 April 2009 (EDT)