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June 2006
(In no particular order)
- 3335: Data Information Page (UA + CS)
- Design a page/panel for data information
- We need to figure out where this page goes
- 3336: Reader Support (UA)
- We have to add a framework to support more readers than exodus
- Design and implement a factory framework to support arbitrary readers
- Think about reader wizards (needed for Xdmf, Plot3D etc.)
- 3337: Writer Support (UA + TS)
- Add support for writers
- We need wizard-like functionality to set properties on the writers (for example, binary vs. ascii)
- 3338: Scalar bar/lookup table (UA + CS + MR)
- Implement GUI for lookup table editor (maybe same as transfer function editor?)
- The user must be able to select from a list of lookup tables
- Make sure to look at paraview/tk's color map editor
- Currently, paraview creates a lookup table per array name (all arrays of the same name get the same lookup table). There is no way to select another lookup table. Neither is there a way to get a list of lookup tables. Maybe, we should allow users to create new lookup tables, load/save them. Also, maybe we can have a view that shows all the lookup tables and allows the user to choose one.
- 3339: Additional Filter panels (TS)
- Contour
- Streamlines (requires point and line 3D widgets)
- 3340: Animation (CS)
- Start working on the animation GUI
- 3247: Pipeline browser improvements: (MR + UA)
- Setting visibility of sources/filters
- Changing input of a filter (drag & drop?)
- Multiple inputs (how to apply a filter to multiple objects, like append)
- Color highlighting (mentioned in the original wiki entry)
- Selection
- 3341: Selection (Dave DeMarle (DD) + BG)
- Rubber band selection of proxies
- Selected proxies should be highlighted in the pipeline browser
- New 3D widgets (TS)
- 3342 Point widget
- 3343 Line widget
- 3235: Open recent files (CS)
- Implement File -> Open Recent Files like in paraview.
- Should be generic enough to allow for different reader types
- Should allow for saving the state of the reader when opening a files. Certain readers require that the user sets some parameters before opening a file. It would be great if these were remembered so that the file can be opened the exact same way
- 3240: Remembering GUI geometry (MR)
- When paraq is restarted, it should have the same layout as last time
- It should also remember size (and position?)
- 3344: Compound Filter (DR)
- Test expected current CF capabilities
- Design GUI interaction
- PGraph (BG)
- Reduction
- Server to client transfer
- SM support
- Source information on object inspector
- The object inspector should display more information about the source including name and help
- Help
- Save/Load State
- Source/filter toolbar
- Support for compound proxies
- Display settings should be part of undo/redo
- Better GUI responsiveness for large data
- GUI may have to disabled and progress shown during processing and rendering
- Better 2D support
- Interactor style
- 3D widgets issues (try implicit plane widget with a 2D dataset
- Camera/interaction toolbars:
- Reset camera
- Change interactor style
- Application and 3D view settings dialogs
- See paraview's application and 3D view settings
- Modal dialogs?
- Transfer function editor
- Sexy transfer function editor for volume rendering
- Annotation
- Support for annotation in the server manager
- Annotation GUI
- Animation
- Simple animation
- Advanced animation (key frame editor?)
- Modules
- Ability to load new readers/sources/filters/writers using modules
- XML (and shared library?)
- Time support
- Plotting
- Selection
- Python shell improvements
- Better error handling
- Progress/abort
May 2006
- 3234: Display settings dialog issues (MR)
- Should be modal
- Volume rendering is only available for certain data types (currently, unstructured grid only). Volume (in Representation) should be disable when it is not appropriate.
- Zoom to Data is always disabled
- 3236: File browser improvements (CS)
- Browser should remember where the user visited last
- Files of type should be filled (longer term: we really need some sort of factory for different reader types)
- 3237: Implement keyboard shortcuts (for example ctrl+Q to exit) (MR)
- Some menu shortcuts collide (for example File and Filters are both Alt-F)
- 3238: Custom pages for 5 sources/filters: (CS)
- cone source, exodus reader, cut, clip, threshold
- 3239: Problems with auto-generated property GUI: (CS)
- Create a cone source. The Center widget is empty
- 3241: Rename paraq executable from pqClient to paraq (BG)
- 3242: Context sensitive filter menu (UA)
- Only filters that are applicable to the current source should be enabled in Filters menu. All other filters should be disabled. The server manager provides this information so implementing this is trivial.
- 3243: Disable menus when they can't be used: (UA)
- Source and Filters menus should be disable when no connection is present
- Filters should be disable when no filters are valid
- 3244: GUI refresh problem: (CS)
- when switching to a source/filter, the properties update in a visible way
- 3245: Color by property should have a label: (CS)
- When no array is selected, the global color by array selection isblank. This should say something like User Selected Color. Also, it should probably have a label or icon.
- 3246: Help (CS)
- Create skeleton for context sensitive help