ParaView 3 Telecon 02/20/2007

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1 All ParaView 3.0 Deliverables

Plotting: Utkarsh found and fixed a problem with plotting where grid point and cell data is accumulated.

Color Map: Mark added the transfer function widget to the GUI. Doesn't update scalar range labels yet. Amy making progress getting the colors to update.

Multiple outputs: Berk not working on this yet, he spent time automating release process.

Selection: DeMarle integrating new types of selection into paraview3. Put a dialog for enter ids and points and thresholds in and shows up like other selections. I will probably have to slip on making results of selections filterable.

Plugins: Clint added plugins for views and display panels. Adding his tests and examples.

Lookmarks: Changing to not rely on the pipeline brower and instead use the servermanager model. Should help with scripting etc.

2 Scott Enforce Qt version?

UI files won't compile with <= 4.2.1. Should we warn or pop up a dialog? Version we support vs minumum compilable version? Easier just to keep track of and test one version. There is a cmakelist.txt option probably just out of date.

3 Goldman User ParaView/VisIt perspective

Python client create reader works OK, but can't put filters on it in the GUI. None of dashboards testing with python now that we have one global python enable flag. Bug in bug tracker about pvpython not working on mac. Plotting global variables now a feature in Ensight.