ParaView 3 Telecon 03-12-2009
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Item | People | Description |
1 | Ice | MARS/V&V Milestone issues |
2 | Moreland | ParaView 3.6 Deliverables |
No MARS people here.
ParaView/Titan Chart Merger (Pat/Utkarsh)
Waiting on finishing the display panel to finish up. They will be the default soon.
Simplified Scripting (Berk/Utkarsh)
Nothing to report.
Biggest chunk of work to be saving state to Python script.
Plots Along Curves (Berk)
Not started
VisIt AVT Integration (Burlen)
Ready to be checked in. Need to make a Wiki page to build it.
Statistics (Phillipe)
Mainly GUI issue as far as combining filters and selecting attributes for doing statistics on data sets.