ParaView 3 Telecon 04-22-2009
Item | People | Description |
1 | Moreland | Project Randy |
2 | Utkarsh | 3.8 Release |
3 | Utkarsh | Transition to git |
4 | Moreland | Book omissions and errata |
5 | Moreland | pvserver on large node counts |
6 | Moreland | Stronger Dashboard
Project Randy
On bluegene: integration and slicing is scaling nicely. I/O is getting worse.
Using XML writer "locally" (not writing the metafile). No collective communication to merge files. Each files are doing fseek.
Suggesting trying the Exodus writer, which was designed to run efficiently in this mode. After that, a good exercise that will allow you to consolidate data.
3.8 Release
Planning an RC2 tomorrow or Monday.
Book omissions and errata
Is there a place to report missing or incorrect information in any of the Kitware books? Perhaps one or more Wiki pages?
Transition to git
Hooks. Workflow. Submodules (and development consequences). Personal repositories. Specifying patches to move into branches.
Should ParaView submodules be updated nightly? If not, it could be days (weeks? months?) before the modules get updated. If, for example, there is a change in VTK that breaks something in ParaView, it will not show up on the dashboard until the ParaView module is updated. It would then be hard to trace back where the problem is.