ParaView 3 Telecon 12-13-2007
Item | People | Description |
1 | Moreland, Geveci | Download tracking |
2 | Moreland | Open ParaView 3 Development Wiki |
3 | All | ParaView 3.4 Deliverables |
4 | Moreland | Meeting next week? |
Download tracking
The download numbers that we accidentally inflated are quickly becoming embarrassing. We should try to be better about how we count downloads.
Now that we are counting file transfer size rather than hits, the numbers should be far more accurate. However, it would be nice if we had something a little better than web stats. Berk is going to ask Zack to look around to see if someone else has implemented a better solution (perhaps as an Apache module).
Open ParaView 3 Development Wiki
We have had several requests for developers outside of Kitware, Sandia, and ETI to have access to the ParaView 3 development Wiki. The issue is that there are special rules for granting access to Sandia-generated material.
To get around this, I (Ken) have R&A'ed a snapshot of the Wiki. From this point on, we can open up access to other developers. However, this means that Sandians need to be careful what they post to the Wiki. The rules here are fuzzy because the Sandia policy makers have never considered our situation. Sandians should follow these rules of thumb (which I am making up on the spot):
- When adding a new technical document to the Wiki, write it in Word (or some other document editor) first, send it through R&A, and then transcribe it to the Wiki. Annotate the Wiki page with the SAND number (not the R&A number) for reference.
- You may add comments, contribute to discussions, and add or correct small technical details to existing pages. Don't abuse the minor changes rule. Adding "we threw away the old design and replaced it with..." does not count.
- I will not R&A the meeting minutes. Major technical discussions should go on their own Wiki pages (which is usually done now anyway) that have their own R&A requirements.
The R&A process should be easy. Use a DUSA and have David Rogers sign them. Bug him if he does not sign it right away. Don't bother to say it's a web page or you will get a bunch of flack about how it can never go on a Sandia web page.
Multiblock (Utkarsh, Berk, ETI)
Berk has made a design Wiki page on the Composite Redesign. Utkarsh will soon get started on implementing the new composite hierarchy.
SILO Reader (Pat)
Pat already has a plugin that can read in a trivial SILO files.
SILO licensing is still an issue. Brian Wylie sent out an email to Hank on that. Ken will get in touch with Brian to see how that is going.
Selection (Dave Cole)
Dave C. needs to get together with Dave D. before being able to start this.
Plugin improvements (ETI)
Clint add the ability to make .qrc files from CMake. He also added a patch that allows you to specify plugin paths relative to the binary directory. Has not yet finished plugins relative to the ParaView install's home directory.
Cube axis (Utkarsh)
Done. Even add the feature request for changing the color of the axis.
ParaView/Titan Chart Merger (Jeff, Utkarsh, Philippe, ETI)
We are having ongoing meetings on this. Most recently, Mark wrote a Wiki page outlining the current design of the Charts in ParaView. Jeff is reviewing this to compare the current work in Titan and help decide how to merge the two.
Volume Rendering Algorithm Chooser (Dave Cole)
Not started yet.
Plot multiple points/cells over time (Berk)
Not started yet.
Textures (Utkarsh)
Not started yet.
2D Image View type (Utkarsh)
Not started yet.
Box and Sphere Widgets (Will)
Started. Hopefully will wrap up in January.
Custom filter cleanup (Utkarsh)
Linking is enabled. Custom filters are now specified in the XML in such a way that they can be used as a drop-in replacement for any other filter.
Custom filters could still use some sprucing up, but it is a low priority. We will look at this again if we get there.
Meeting next week?
I guess everyone loves meetings. We will meet again next week.