Python Tracing Revisited

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Try this:

  1. Start ParaView (paraview -dr)
  2. Start Trace
  3. Create Wavelet, Apply
  4. Create Clip, Apply
  5. Stop Trace

Here's how the generated trace looks in various versions:

ParaView 4.0.1

# ********** ParaView Version 4.0.1 *********************
try: paraview.simple
except: from paraview.simple import *

Wavelet1 = Wavelet()

RenderView1 = GetRenderView()
DataRepresentation1 = Show()
DataRepresentation1.EdgeColor = [0.0, 0.0, 0.5000076295109483]
DataRepresentation1.SelectionPointFieldDataArrayName = 'RTData'
DataRepresentation1.ScalarOpacityUnitDistance = 1.7320508075688779
DataRepresentation1.Representation = 'Outline'
DataRepresentation1.ScaleFactor = 2.0

Clip1 = Clip( ClipType="Plane" )

RenderView1.CameraPosition = [0.0, 0.0, 66.92130429902464]
RenderView1.CameraClippingRange = [46.35209125603439, 92.97512386351]
RenderView1.CameraParallelScale = 17.320508075688775

Clip1.Scalars = ['POINTS', 'RTData']
Clip1.ClipType = "Plane"

active_objects.source.SMProxy.InvokeEvent('UserEvent', 'ShowWidget')

a1_RTData_PVLookupTable = GetLookupTableForArray( "RTData", 1,
   RGBPoints=[43.34006881713867, 0.23, 0.299, 0.754,
              276.68310546875, 0.706, 0.016, 0.15],
   VectorMode='Magnitude', NanColor=[0.25, 0.0, 0.0],
   ColorSpace='Diverging', ScalarRangeInitialized=1.0,
   AllowDuplicateScalars=1 )

a1_RTData_PiecewiseFunction = CreatePiecewiseFunction(\
   Points=[0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.0] )

DataRepresentation2 = Show()
DataRepresentation2.EdgeColor = [0.0, 0.0, 0.5000076295109483]
DataRepresentation2.SelectionPointFieldDataArrayName = 'RTData'
DataRepresentation2.ScalarOpacityFunction = a1_RTData_PiecewiseFunction
DataRepresentation2.ColorArrayName = ('POINT_DATA', 'RTData')
DataRepresentation2.ScalarOpacityUnitDistance = 1.8307836667054274
DataRepresentation2.LookupTable = a1_RTData_PVLookupTable
DataRepresentation2.ScaleFactor = 2.0

RenderView1.CameraClippingRange = [42.19973957146408, 98.2020791247405]

a1_RTData_PVLookupTable.ScalarOpacityFunction = a1_RTData_PiecewiseFunction


ParaView >4.1.0 (development)

# ******* ParaView Version 4.1.0-600 (After ParaView Pipeline Controller Changes) ****
try: paraview.simple
except: from paraview.simple import *

Wavelet0 = Wavelet()

RenderView0 = GetRenderView()

UniformGridRepresentation0 = Show()

RTData_PiecewiseFunction = CreatePiecewiseFunction(\
  Points=[0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 276.8288269042969, 1.0, 0.5, 0.0] )

RTData_PVLookupTable = CreateLookupTable(\
  RGBPoints=[37.35310363769531, 0.231373, 0.298039, 0.752941,
           157.0909652709961, 0.865003, 0.865003, 0.865003,
           276.8288269042969, 0.705882, 0.0156863, 0.14902],
  ScalarRangeInitialized=1.0 )

ScalarBarWidgetRepresentation0 = CreateScalarBar( ComponentTitle='', Title='RTData' )

UniformGridRepresentation0.ScalarOpacityFunction = RTData_PiecewiseFunction
UniformGridRepresentation0.LookupTable = RTData_PVLookupTable

RenderView0.CameraPosition = [0.0, 0.0, 66.92130429902464]
RenderView0.CameraParallelScale = 17.320508075688775

Clip0 = Clip()

# toggle the 3D widget visibility.
active_objects.source.SMProxy.InvokeEvent('UserEvent', 'ShowWidget')

UnstructuredGridRepresentation0 = Show()
UnstructuredGridRepresentation0.ScalarOpacityFunction = RTData_PiecewiseFunction
UnstructuredGridRepresentation0.LookupTable = RTData_PVLookupTable


The one major difference between this trace and the one generated by 4.0.1 is that we have scalar bar shown in this trace -- since ParaView now shows the scalar bar automatically.

Now, if I am to manually write the Python script to create the same visualization, I'd expect to write as follows:

# *** Not real code, illustration only

from paraview.simple import *

# Create Render View
renderView0 = CreateRenderView()

# Create Wavelet source
wavelet0 = Wavelet()
waveletDisplay0 = Show()

# Create Clip filter
clip0 = Clip()
clipDisplay0 = Show()

# Show the scalar bar

This code is a bit too concise, since it doesn't explicitly specify some of the property values that are automatically determined based on the data. While that's neat when manually writing the script, if I am generating a trace, those need to be recorded so the script plays back a little more reliably. With those additions, the script could look something like the following:

from paraview.simple import *

# Create Render View
renderView0 = CreateRenderView()

# Create Wavelet source
wavelet0 = Wavelet()
waveletDisplay0 = Show()

# Create Clip filter
clip0 = Clip(ClipType="Plane")
clip0.ClipType.Origin = [0, 0, 0]
clip0.ClipType.Normal = [1, 0, 0]

# Setup transfer functions for "RTData".
ctf = GetColorTransferFunction("RTData")
ctf.LoadPreset("Cool to Warm")
ctf.Rescale(37.4, 277)

clipDisplay0 = Show(ColorArrayName=("POINTS", "RTData"))

# Show the scalar bar