Uploads by Dcthomp
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Date | Name | Thumbnail | Size | Description | Versions |
15:18, 30 July 2006 | AppleAutomatorUIExample.jpg (file) | 65 KB | An example of a "configurable" search. This is a screenshot of Apple's Automator. A similar concept is used in Novell (nee Ximian) Evolution's search folders. | 1 | |
20:43, 15 June 2006 | SAND-Alegra-20060615.pdf (file) | 1.36 MB | This report reviews the representation of edge and face elements as implemented by ALEGRA. It then specifies a convention for storing these elements in EXODUS files which requires no modifications to the EXODUS programming interface for the linear interpo | 1 | |
16:54, 12 June 2006 | SAND-Salinas-20060612.pdf (file) | 677 KB | This report specifies the way in which SALINAS shall name and order Gauss points when storing them in an EXODUS II file so that they may be properly interpreted by visualization tools. This naming convention covers hexahedra and tetrahedra. Future revisio | 1 | |
12:15, 12 June 2006 | SAND-Alegra-20060612.pdf (file) | 1.03 MB | This report reviews the representation of edge and face elements as implemented by ALEGRA. It then specifies a convention for storing these elements in Exodus files which requires no modifications to the Exodus programming interface for the linear interpo | 1 |