Uploads by Tshead

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This special page shows all uploaded files.

File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
11:29, 28 September 2006 Uber file browser.png (file) 20 KB   2
11:26, 28 September 2006 File browser.png (file) 17 KB   3
14:51, 24 August 2006 Histogram pipeline.png (file) 58 KB   6
13:19, 21 August 2006 Plot rendering.png (file) 39 KB   1
13:19, 21 August 2006 Plane intersection pipeline.png (file) 50 KB   2
13:19, 21 August 2006 Line plot pipeline.png (file) 45 KB   2
13:18, 21 August 2006 Line plot.png (file) 23 KB   2
17:57, 6 August 2006 Manage servers.png (file) 14 KB   2
18:59, 5 August 2006 Configure manual startup.png (file) 15 KB   2
18:59, 5 August 2006 Configure command startup.png (file) 18 KB   1
17:17, 5 August 2006 Configure shell startup.png (file) 18 KB   1
17:17, 5 August 2006 Configure new server.png (file) 12 KB   1
17:29, 27 July 2006 Mru.png (file) 46 KB   1
15:36, 27 July 2006 Collapsed group styles.png (file) 150 KB   3
12:01, 14 July 2006 Paraq-qt-win-opensource-src-4.1.4.zip (file) 34.06 MB   1
18:17, 27 June 2006 Stream tracer weirdness.png (file) 290 KB   1
10:59, 22 June 2006 Paraq-qt-win-opensource-src-4.1.3.zip (file) 34.02 MB   1
16:12, 16 June 2006 Contour.png (file) 119 KB   2
19:11, 14 June 2006 Cut multiple.png (file) 155 KB   1
18:08, 23 May 2006 Cut after.png (file) 71 KB   1
18:08, 23 May 2006 Cut before.png (file) 46 KB   1
19:51, 22 May 2006 Plane widget.png (file) 77 KB   1
20:50, 27 March 2006 Dobranoviz2.png (file) 97 KB   2
20:50, 27 March 2006 Dobranoviz.png (file) 104 KB   2
15:22, 23 March 2006 Paraq-qt-win-opensource-src-4-1-0.zip (file) 30.8 MB   1
12:14, 21 March 2006 Pair-o-qs.png (file) 67 KB   2
12:19, 24 February 2006 Line chart markers.pdf (file) 39 KB   1
12:19, 24 February 2006 Line chart markers.png (file) 41 KB   1
19:17, 23 February 2006 Histogram.pdf (file) 13 KB Fixed off-by-one artifact in filled bars 2
19:09, 23 February 2006 Line chart.pdf (file) 27 KB Fixed clipping artifact. 2
17:20, 13 February 2006 Fluview.png (file) 504 KB   2
13:35, 13 February 2006 Chart tip.png (file) 41 KB   2
12:26, 13 February 2006 Geoviz.png (file) 214 KB   1
12:07, 24 January 2006 Charts4.png (file) 19 KB   1
18:18, 18 January 2006 Charts3.png (file) 42 KB   1
22:07, 16 January 2006 Charts2.png (file) 44 KB   1
16:43, 3 January 2006 Charts.png (file) 38 KB   1
12:46, 20 December 2005 Histogram.png (file) 30 KB   1
13:08, 29 November 2005 Embedded python2.png (file) 11 KB   1
12:41, 22 November 2005 Embedded python.png (file) 117 KB   1
12:28, 1 November 2005 Ui update undo redo interaction.png (file) 31 KB   1
19:45, 31 October 2005 K3d node history.png (file) 18 KB   1