Technical Meeting 06/08/2006 1:15PM EDT
Item | People | Description |
1 | Geveci | Team Status |
2 | Shead | Widget Validation Again |
Action Items
- Shead - writeup guidelines for using Qt designer to create forms.
Following changes to the way the testing framework handles widget-naming, it was agreed that we could eliminate our widget-naming-validation tests, since the tests required significant maintenance yet still produced many false positives and false negatives.
The team received a status report on the Prism-over-ParaView3 work, including problems with the pqRenderWindowManager object currently part of pqApplicationCore. pqRenderWindowManager is designed to handle many of the operations required for multi-view, but it currently isn't meeting the needs of Prism. Because multi-view functionality for ParaView3 isn't well-defined, and won't be part of the initial release, it was agreed that we should update pqRenderWindowManager to meet Prism's needs, and allow it to stand as a "straw man" for future ParaView3 mutlti-view design. If adapting pqRenderWindowManager to Prism's needs turns out to be impractical, it can be moved to pqMainWindow as an alternative.
There was a short discussion on animation design, particularly how time should be represented internally, and what data is represented by a keyframe. Animation design is clearly ongoing.
The team received an overview on the ongoing design for a mapping between Qt and ServerManager selections.