Technical Meeting 06/22/2006 1:15PM EDT
Item | People | Description |
1 | Geveci | Team Status |
2 | Shead | vtkCallbackCommand alternative |
3 | Team | Keyboard accelerators / mnemonics |
4 | Shead | Persistent UI state |
Action Items
- Shead - Writeup documentation on integrating custom widgets into Qt Designer
- Shead - Writeup thoughts on where/how client-side state should be stored.
- Richardson - Get closure on the proposed UI coding guidelines.
- Shead - Put vtkCallbackCommand alternative in Servers/Filters.
Dave Karelitz writes:
Was reading the minutes from last week's technical meeting and saw the note about using spacebar for accept. ImageDrill uses a similar mechanism (space bar switches which view is in the main window), and it causes all sorts of headaches. The biggest one being that if any line or text edit box has focus, then that box gets the spacebar event. Furthermore, by default (in Qt3 at least) when the user hit return in a line edit, it didn't remove focus from that line edit, so we had to add code to explicitly remove focus when return was pressed. Just a thought, but you might want to make an accept menu item and assign it something like control-space or control-return…
The team had a long discussion on versioning issues with compound proxies, such as whether loading a session containing a compound proxy should be "upgraded" if later versions of the same proxy are available. Several possible behaviors were discussed, and are captured at Compound Proxies - Copies or References.
A similarly long discussion was held regarding client-side state and if/where/how it should be made persistent. Several use-cases were discussed that have cropped-up recently, an overview is at Where's The State?.
Tim reported that tooltips can be turned on/off globally, and that 3D-widget accelerators seem to work fine (implemented through the corresponding custom panel). The need to provide users with a list of available keyboard shortcuts (either programmatically or in a documentation page) was floated.