Technical Meeting 08/03/2006 1:15PM EDT

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Item People Description
1 Geveci Team Status
2 Richardson New vs. Open vs. Connect
3 Shead Server "pings"

Action Items


The team discussed what the semantics of the File > New menu should be. Currently, it is interpreted (loosely) as "new session", and its behavior is equivalent to Servers > Disconnect. One proposal was that "New" should be brought more in line with Microsoft Office behavior, where it means "create new object" and the File > New menu displays a dialog allowing the user to pick what they want to create. In ParaView this might be a list including "new server connection", "new source", "new filter", etc. Eventually, the team decided to remove File > New altogether, to avoid confusion over semantics.

Tim raised the possibility of adding API to the server manager to "ping" a server (find out if it's running without connecting to it), and got shot down.