Technical Meeting 08/10/2006 1:15PM EDT
Item | People | Description |
1 | Geveci | Team Status |
2 | Team | Monthly Build Goals |
3 | Shead | Server "pings" again |
4 | Shead / Cedilnik | Server Startup Smackdown |
Action Items
- Kitware - figure out a way to quietly attempt server connections without generating error output.
The team went over the August and September monthly build goals in detail, and made tentative assignments.
Tim renewed his obsession for server "pings" (trying to contact a server without connecting, to see if it's running or not), to handle the situation where the client has started a remote server for a forward connection, and is waiting for the server to appear. Currently, users have to set an arbitrary "delay" into their server configurations in this case. Without the delay, the client runs a server startup command, tries to connect, and fails (generating error console output) because the server hasn't started yet. Kitware will look into alternatives to handle this, including the server "ping" mechanism, or modifying the current connection process so that a failed connection isn't an error condition.
Tim created a Server Configuration page that loosely describes an XML schema for configuring servers, including options that the user should be prompted for when they start a server (number of nodes, project/task number, server timeout, etc). The schema is very closely based on the existing schema for ParaView Enterprise, with some minor modifications.
The team discussed the current dependency of the server configuration and startup code on Qt, and agreed to eliminate Qt dependencies and make the code available for all clients, after the end of the fiscal year. Tim will use the updated server configuration schema and do the minimum amount of work necessary to support Sandia requirements.