Value List Widget

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Revision as of 18:35, 20 June 2006 by Hollywood (talk | contribs)
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This page describes the design for a value list editor. It is currently used in ParaView in the Contour filter.

Current vtkContourFilter UI, in ParaView 2.4. The value list editor occupies the 'Contour Values', 'Add Value', and 'Generate Range of Values' portion of the UI.
Proposed Value List widget, which supports all current functions through direct manipulation, and a right mouse menu.

In general, I believe that we should have as much 'active content' on the screen as we can, and get rid of things that should be modal dialogue boxes, or that can be supported through direct manipulation of a widget. This proposal describes a directly-manipulated list of values, meant to replace the UI that ParaView currently uses for creating a list of values in the Contour filter UI.

The proposed design includes all the current functionality, but presents it as an editable list of values.