Proposals:Refactoring Statistics Framework 2007
ITK: Statistical Framework Refactoring
Recently it has been found that certain characteristics of the Statistical Framework API could be improved in order to provide a more consistent inteface.
In particular, issues have been pointed out regarding the following topics
- Iterators
- Samples versus Subsamples
- Statistical calculator integrated into the pipeline
The proposed refactoring will include the following specific tasks
- Review all iterators used in the Statistics framework and add tests for their functionalities until bringing their code coverage to 100%
- Restructure the implementation of the Subsample class, to make sure that
- It can be used in any place where a sample can be used.
- Sub-sampling can be nested without breaking the consistency of the statistical operation.
The refactoring tasks will be initiated on March 23rd and will be completed before April 15th 2007
Specific Program
Build a Class Manifesto
There are 72 header files in the Statistics directory.
They are categorized in the following page
Adapt to Pipeline
The collection of objects in the current statistics framework is relatively independent from the data pipeline used in most of the toolkit.
In this task we target to reorganize the existing classes into data objects and process objects following the pipeline architecture.
Review Iterators
Miscellaneous Issues
Brad's Comments
Action Items
Prototype Code
The prototype code of the refactoring is available in the NAMICSandbox. You can download it by using the following svn command
svn checkout ITKStatisticsPipelineRefactoring
The old location (deprecated) of the repository was:
svn checkout