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vtkPLANLHaloFinder Class Reference

find halos within a cosmology data file More...

#include <vtkPLANLHaloFinder.h>

Inheritance diagram for vtkPLANLHaloFinder:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for vtkPLANLHaloFinder:
Collaboration graph

Public Types

enum  {
  AVERAGE = 0, CENTER_OF_MASS = 1, MBP = 2, MCP = 3,
typedef vtkUnstructuredGridAlgorithm Superclass
- Public Types inherited from vtkUnstructuredGridAlgorithm
typedef vtkAlgorithm Superclass
- Public Types inherited from vtkAlgorithm
enum  DesiredOutputPrecision
enum  DesiredOutputPrecision
typedef vtkObject Superclass

Public Member Functions

virtual const char * GetClassName ()
virtual int IsA (const char *type)
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
virtual vtkMultiProcessControllerGetController ()
 Set the communicator object for interprocess communication. More...
virtual void SetController (vtkMultiProcessController *)
 Set the communicator object for interprocess communication. More...
virtual void SetNP (int)
 Specify the number of seeded particles in one dimension (total = np^3) (default 256) More...
virtual int GetNP ()
 Specify the number of seeded particles in one dimension (total = np^3) (default 256) More...
virtual void SetRL (float)
 Specify the physical box dimensions size (rL) (default 100.0) More...
virtual float GetRL ()
 Specify the physical box dimensions size (rL) (default 100.0) More...
virtual void SetOverlap (float)
 Specify the ghost cell spacing (in rL units) (edge boundary of processor box) (default 5) More...
virtual float GetOverlap ()
 Specify the ghost cell spacing (in rL units) (edge boundary of processor box) (default 5) More...
virtual void SetPMin (int)
 Specify the minimum number of particles for a halo (pmin) (default 100) More...
virtual int GetPMin ()
 Specify the minimum number of particles for a halo (pmin) (default 100) More...
virtual void SetBB (float)
 Specify the linking length (bb) (default .2) More...
virtual float GetBB ()
 Specify the linking length (bb) (default .2) More...
virtual void SetComputeSOD (int)
 Turn on calculation of SOD halos (default off) More...
virtual int GetComputeSOD ()
 Turn on calculation of SOD halos (default off) More...
virtual void SetCenterFindingMethod (int)
 Specify the FOF center to use in SOD calculations (0 = default, center of mass, 1 = average, 2 = MBP, 3 = MCP) More...
virtual int GetCenterFindingMethod ()
 Specify the FOF center to use in SOD calculations (0 = default, center of mass, 1 = average, 2 = MBP, 3 = MCP) More...
virtual void SetRhoC (float)
 Specify rho_c (critical density) (default 2.77536627e11) More...
virtual float GetRhoC ()
 Specify rho_c (critical density) (default 2.77536627e11) More...
virtual void SetSODMass (float)
 Specify the initial SOD mass (default 1.0e14) More...
virtual float GetSODMass ()
 Specify the initial SOD mass (default 1.0e14) More...
virtual void SetMinRadiusFactor (float)
 Specify the minimum radius factor (default 0.5) More...
virtual float GetMinRadiusFactor ()
 Specify the minimum radius factor (default 0.5) More...
virtual void SetMaxRadiusFactor (float)
 Specify the maximum radius factor (default 2.0) More...
virtual float GetMaxRadiusFactor ()
 Specify the maximum radius factor (default 2.0) More...
virtual void SetSODBins (int)
 Specify the number of bins for SOD finding (default 20) More...
virtual int GetSODBins ()
 Specify the number of bins for SOD finding (default 20) More...
virtual void SetMinFOFSize (int)
 Specify the minimum FOF size for an SOD halo (default 1000) More...
virtual int GetMinFOFSize ()
 Specify the minimum FOF size for an SOD halo (default 1000) More...
virtual void SetMinFOFMass (float)
 Specify the minimum FOF mass for an SOD halo (default 5.0e12) More...
virtual float GetMinFOFMass ()
 Specify the minimum FOF mass for an SOD halo (default 5.0e12) More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from vtkUnstructuredGridAlgorithm
vtkUnstructuredGridAlgorithmNewInstance () const
vtkDataObjectGetInput (int port)
vtkDataObjectGetInput ()
vtkUnstructuredGridGetUnstructuredGridInput (int port)
vtkUnstructuredGridGetOutput ()
vtkUnstructuredGridGetOutput (int)
virtual void SetOutput (vtkDataObject *d)
virtual int ProcessRequest (vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **, vtkInformationVector *)
void SetInputData (vtkDataObject *)
void SetInputData (int, vtkDataObject *)
void AddInputData (vtkDataObject *)
void AddInputData (int, vtkDataObject *)
vtkUnstructuredGridGetOutput ()
vtkUnstructuredGridGetOutput (int)
virtual void SetOutput (vtkDataObject *d)
virtual int ProcessRequest (vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **, vtkInformationVector *)
void SetInputData (vtkDataObject *)
void SetInputData (int, vtkDataObject *)
void AddInputData (vtkDataObject *)
void AddInputData (int, vtkDataObject *)
- Public Member Functions inherited from vtkAlgorithm
vtkAlgorithmNewInstance () const
int HasExecutive ()
vtkExecutiveGetExecutive ()
virtual void SetExecutive (vtkExecutive *executive)
virtual int ModifyRequest (vtkInformation *request, int when)
vtkInformationGetInputPortInformation (int port)
vtkInformationGetOutputPortInformation (int port)
int GetNumberOfInputPorts ()
int GetNumberOfOutputPorts ()
void UpdateProgress (double amount)
vtkInformationGetInputArrayInformation (int idx)
void RemoveAllInputs ()
vtkDataObjectGetOutputDataObject (int port)
virtual void RemoveInputConnection (int port, vtkAlgorithmOutput *input)
virtual void RemoveInputConnection (int port, int idx)
virtual void RemoveAllInputConnections (int port)
int GetNumberOfInputConnections (int port)
int GetTotalNumberOfInputConnections ()
vtkAlgorithmOutputGetInputConnection (int port, int index)
vtkAlgorithmGetInputAlgorithm (int port, int index, int &algPort)
vtkAlgorithmGetInputAlgorithm (int port, int index)
vtkExecutiveGetInputExecutive (int port, int index)
vtkInformationGetInputInformation (int port, int index)
vtkInformationGetOutputInformation (int port)
virtual int Update (int port, vtkInformationVector *requests)
virtual int Update (vtkInformation *requests)
virtual int UpdateExtent (const int extents[6])
virtual void UpdateInformation ()
virtual void UpdateDataObject ()
virtual void PropagateUpdateExtent ()
virtual void UpdateWholeExtent ()
void ConvertTotalInputToPortConnection (int ind, int &port, int &conn)
int SetUpdateExtentToWholeExtent (int port)
int SetUpdateExtentToWholeExtent ()
void SetUpdateExtent (int port, int extent[6])
void SetUpdateExtent (int extent[6])
int ProcessRequest (vtkInformation *request, vtkCollection *inInfo, vtkInformationVector *outInfo)
virtual int ComputePipelineMTime (vtkInformation *request, vtkInformationVector **inInfoVec, vtkInformationVector *outInfoVec, int requestFromOutputPort, vtkMTimeType *mtime)
virtual vtkInformationGetInformation ()
virtual void SetInformation (vtkInformation *)
void Register (vtkObjectBase *o) VTK_OVERRIDE
void UnRegister (vtkObjectBase *o) VTK_OVERRIDE
virtual void SetAbortExecute (int)
virtual int GetAbortExecute ()
virtual void AbortExecuteOn ()
virtual void AbortExecuteOff ()
virtual void SetProgress (double)
virtual double GetProgress ()
void SetProgressText (const char *ptext)
virtual char * GetProgressText ()
virtual unsigned long GetErrorCode ()
virtual void SetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, int port, int connection, int fieldAssociation, const char *name)
virtual void SetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, int port, int connection, int fieldAssociation, int fieldAttributeType)
virtual void SetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkInformation *info)
virtual void SetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, int port, int connection, const char *fieldAssociation, const char *attributeTypeorName)
vtkDataObjectGetInputDataObject (int port, int connection)
virtual void SetInputConnection (int port, vtkAlgorithmOutput *input)
virtual void SetInputConnection (vtkAlgorithmOutput *input)
virtual void AddInputConnection (int port, vtkAlgorithmOutput *input)
virtual void AddInputConnection (vtkAlgorithmOutput *input)
virtual void SetInputDataObject (int port, vtkDataObject *data)
virtual void SetInputDataObject (vtkDataObject *data)
virtual void AddInputDataObject (int port, vtkDataObject *data)
virtual void AddInputDataObject (vtkDataObject *data)
vtkAlgorithmOutputGetOutputPort (int index)
vtkAlgorithmOutputGetOutputPort ()
vtkAlgorithmGetInputAlgorithm ()
vtkExecutiveGetInputExecutive ()
vtkInformationGetInputInformation ()
virtual void Update (int port)
virtual void Update ()
virtual int UpdatePiece (int piece, int numPieces, int ghostLevels, const int extents[6]=0)
virtual int UpdateTimeStep (double time, int piece=-1, int numPieces=1, int ghostLevels=0, const int extents[6]=0)
virtual void SetReleaseDataFlag (int)
virtual int GetReleaseDataFlag ()
void ReleaseDataFlagOn ()
void ReleaseDataFlagOff ()
int UpdateExtentIsEmpty (vtkInformation *pinfo, vtkDataObject *output)
int UpdateExtentIsEmpty (vtkInformation *pinfo, int extentType)
void SetUpdateExtent (int port, int piece, int numPieces, int ghostLevel)
void SetUpdateExtent (int piece, int numPieces, int ghostLevel)
intGetUpdateExtent ()
intGetUpdateExtent (int port)
void GetUpdateExtent (int &x0, int &x1, int &y0, int &y1, int &z0, int &z1)
void GetUpdateExtent (int port, int &x0, int &x1, int &y0, int &y1, int &z0, int &z1)
void GetUpdateExtent (int extent[6])
void GetUpdateExtent (int port, int extent[6])
int GetUpdatePiece ()
int GetUpdatePiece (int port)
int GetUpdateNumberOfPieces ()
int GetUpdateNumberOfPieces (int port)
int GetUpdateGhostLevel ()
int GetUpdateGhostLevel (int port)
void SetProgressObserver (vtkProgressObserver *)
virtual vtkProgressObserverGetProgressObserver ()
int ProcessRequest (vtkInformation *request, vtkCollection *inInfo, vtkInformationVector *outInfo)
virtual int ComputePipelineMTime (vtkInformation *request, vtkInformationVector **inInfoVec, vtkInformationVector *outInfoVec, int requestFromOutputPort, vtkMTimeType *mtime)
virtual vtkInformationGetInformation ()
virtual void SetInformation (vtkInformation *)
void Register (vtkObjectBase *o) VTK_OVERRIDE
void UnRegister (vtkObjectBase *o) VTK_OVERRIDE
virtual void SetAbortExecute (int)
virtual int GetAbortExecute ()
virtual void AbortExecuteOn ()
virtual void AbortExecuteOff ()
virtual void SetProgress (double)
virtual double GetProgress ()
void SetProgressText (const char *ptext)
virtual char * GetProgressText ()
virtual unsigned long GetErrorCode ()
virtual void SetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, int port, int connection, int fieldAssociation, const char *name)
virtual void SetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, int port, int connection, int fieldAssociation, int fieldAttributeType)
virtual void SetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkInformation *info)
virtual void SetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, int port, int connection, const char *fieldAssociation, const char *attributeTypeorName)
vtkDataObjectGetInputDataObject (int port, int connection)
virtual void SetInputConnection (int port, vtkAlgorithmOutput *input)
virtual void SetInputConnection (vtkAlgorithmOutput *input)
virtual void AddInputConnection (int port, vtkAlgorithmOutput *input)
virtual void AddInputConnection (vtkAlgorithmOutput *input)
virtual void SetInputDataObject (int port, vtkDataObject *data)
virtual void SetInputDataObject (vtkDataObject *data)
virtual void AddInputDataObject (int port, vtkDataObject *data)
virtual void AddInputDataObject (vtkDataObject *data)
vtkAlgorithmOutputGetOutputPort (int index)
vtkAlgorithmOutputGetOutputPort ()
vtkAlgorithmGetInputAlgorithm ()
vtkExecutiveGetInputExecutive ()
vtkInformationGetInputInformation ()
virtual void Update (int port)
virtual void Update ()
virtual int UpdatePiece (int piece, int numPieces, int ghostLevels, const int extents[6]=0)
virtual int UpdateTimeStep (double time, int piece=-1, int numPieces=1, int ghostLevels=0, const int extents[6]=0)
virtual void SetReleaseDataFlag (int)
virtual int GetReleaseDataFlag ()
void ReleaseDataFlagOn ()
void ReleaseDataFlagOff ()
int UpdateExtentIsEmpty (vtkInformation *pinfo, vtkDataObject *output)
int UpdateExtentIsEmpty (vtkInformation *pinfo, int extentType)
void SetUpdateExtent (int port, int piece, int numPieces, int ghostLevel)
void SetUpdateExtent (int piece, int numPieces, int ghostLevel)
intGetUpdateExtent ()
intGetUpdateExtent (int port)
void GetUpdateExtent (int &x0, int &x1, int &y0, int &y1, int &z0, int &z1)
void GetUpdateExtent (int port, int &x0, int &x1, int &y0, int &y1, int &z0, int &z1)
void GetUpdateExtent (int extent[6])
void GetUpdateExtent (int port, int extent[6])
int GetUpdatePiece ()
int GetUpdatePiece (int port)
int GetUpdateNumberOfPieces ()
int GetUpdateNumberOfPieces (int port)
int GetUpdateGhostLevel ()
int GetUpdateGhostLevel (int port)
void SetProgressObserver (vtkProgressObserver *)
virtual vtkProgressObserverGetProgressObserver ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from vtkObject
 vtkBaseTypeMacro (vtkObject, vtkObjectBase)
virtual void DebugOn ()
virtual void DebugOff ()
bool GetDebug ()
void SetDebug (bool debugFlag)
virtual void Modified ()
virtual vtkMTimeType GetMTime ()
void RemoveObserver (unsigned long tag)
void RemoveObservers (unsigned long event)
void RemoveObservers (const char *event)
void RemoveAllObservers ()
int HasObserver (unsigned long event)
int HasObserver (const char *event)
int InvokeEvent (unsigned long event)
int InvokeEvent (const char *event)
unsigned long AddObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f)
unsigned long AddObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f)
vtkCommandGetCommand (unsigned long tag)
void RemoveObserver (vtkCommand *)
void RemoveObservers (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *)
void RemoveObservers (const char *event, vtkCommand *)
int HasObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *)
int HasObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *)
unsigned long AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(), float priority=0.0f)
unsigned long AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f)
unsigned long AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, bool(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f)
int InvokeEvent (unsigned long event, void *callData)
int InvokeEvent (const char *event, void *callData)
unsigned long AddObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f)
unsigned long AddObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f)
vtkCommandGetCommand (unsigned long tag)
void RemoveObserver (vtkCommand *)
void RemoveObservers (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *)
void RemoveObservers (const char *event, vtkCommand *)
int HasObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *)
int HasObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *)
unsigned long AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(), float priority=0.0f)
unsigned long AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f)
unsigned long AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, bool(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f)
int InvokeEvent (unsigned long event, void *callData)
int InvokeEvent (const char *event, void *callData)
- Public Member Functions inherited from vtkObjectBase
const char * GetClassName () const
virtual void Delete ()
virtual void FastDelete ()
void Print (ostream &os)
void SetReferenceCount (int)
virtual void PrintHeader (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
virtual void PrintTrailer (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
int GetReferenceCount ()
void PrintRevisions (ostream &)
virtual void PrintHeader (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
virtual void PrintTrailer (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
int GetReferenceCount ()
void PrintRevisions (ostream &)

Static Public Member Functions

static vtkPLANLHaloFinderNew ()
static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkPLANLHaloFinderSafeDownCast (vtkObject *o)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vtkUnstructuredGridAlgorithm
static vtkUnstructuredGridAlgorithmNew ()
static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkUnstructuredGridAlgorithmSafeDownCast (vtkObjectBase *o)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vtkAlgorithm
static vtkAlgorithmNew ()
static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkAlgorithmSafeDownCast (vtkObjectBase *o)
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyINPUT_IS_OPTIONAL ()
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyINPUT_IS_REPEATABLE ()
static vtkInformationInformationVectorKeyINPUT_REQUIRED_FIELDS ()
static vtkInformationStringVectorKeyINPUT_REQUIRED_DATA_TYPE ()
static vtkInformationInformationVectorKeyINPUT_ARRAYS_TO_PROCESS ()
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyINPUT_PORT ()
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyINPUT_CONNECTION ()
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyCAN_PRODUCE_SUB_EXTENT ()
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyCAN_HANDLE_PIECE_REQUEST ()
static void SetDefaultExecutivePrototype (vtkExecutive *proto)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vtkObject
static vtkObjectNew ()
static void BreakOnError ()
static void SetGlobalWarningDisplay (int val)
static void GlobalWarningDisplayOn ()
static void GlobalWarningDisplayOff ()
static int GetGlobalWarningDisplay ()
static void SetGlobalWarningDisplay (int val)
static void GlobalWarningDisplayOn ()
static void GlobalWarningDisplayOff ()
static int GetGlobalWarningDisplay ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vtkObjectBase
static vtkTypeBool IsTypeOf (const char *name)
static vtkObjectBaseNew ()
static vtkObjectBaseNew ()

Public Attributes

enum vtkPLANLHaloFinder:: { ... }  CenterDetectionAlgorithm
- Public Attributes inherited from vtkAlgorithm
int AbortExecute

Protected Member Functions

 vtkPLANLHaloFinder ()
 ~vtkPLANLHaloFinder ()
virtual int RequestData (vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **, vtkInformationVector *)
bool CheckOutputIntegrity (vtkUnstructuredGrid *outputParticles)
 Checks the integrid of the output particles. More...
void ComputeFOFHalos (vtkUnstructuredGrid *particles, vtkUnstructuredGrid *haloCenters)
 Computes the FOF halos based on the user-supplied linking length and PMin parameters. More...
void ComputeSODHalos (vtkUnstructuredGrid *particles, vtkUnstructuredGrid *haloCenters)
 Given pre-computed FOF halos, this method computes the SOD halos. More...
void VectorizeData (vtkUnstructuredGrid *particles)
 Vectorize the data since the halo-finder expects the data as different vectors. More...
void ComputeFOFHaloProperties ()
 Computes FOF halo properties, i.e., fofMass, fofXPos, etc. More...
void InitializeHaloCenters (vtkUnstructuredGrid *haloCenters, unsigned int N)
 Initializes the haloCenter output (output-2 of the filter) s.t. More...
void MarkHaloParticlesAndGetCenter (const unsigned int halo, const int internalHaloIdx, double center[3], vtkUnstructuredGrid *particles)
 Marks the halos of the given halo and computes the center using the prescribed center-finding method. More...
void ResetHaloFinderInternals ()
 Resets halo-finder internal data-structures. More...
void InitializeSODHaloArrays (vtkUnstructuredGrid *haloCenters)
 Initialize the SOD haloArrays. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkUnstructuredGridAlgorithm
virtual vtkObjectBaseNewInstanceInternal () const
 vtkUnstructuredGridAlgorithm ()
 ~vtkUnstructuredGridAlgorithm ()
virtual int RequestInformation (vtkInformation *request, vtkInformationVector **inputVector, vtkInformationVector *outputVector)
virtual int FillOutputPortInformation (int port, vtkInformation *info)
virtual int FillInputPortInformation (int port, vtkInformation *info)
virtual int RequestUpdateExtent (vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **, vtkInformationVector *)
virtual int RequestUpdateExtent (vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **, vtkInformationVector *)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkAlgorithm
 vtkAlgorithm ()
 ~vtkAlgorithm ()
virtual void SetNumberOfInputPorts (int n)
virtual void SetNumberOfOutputPorts (int n)
int InputPortIndexInRange (int index, const char *action)
int OutputPortIndexInRange (int index, const char *action)
int GetInputArrayAssociation (int idx, vtkInformationVector **inputVector)
virtual vtkExecutiveCreateDefaultExecutive ()
void ReportReferences (vtkGarbageCollector *) VTK_OVERRIDE
virtual void SetNumberOfInputConnections (int port, int n)
int GetInputArrayAssociation (int idx, int connection, vtkInformationVector **inputVector)
int GetInputArrayAssociation (int idx, vtkDataObject *input)
vtkDataArrayGetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkInformationVector **inputVector)
vtkDataArrayGetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkInformationVector **inputVector, int &association)
vtkDataArrayGetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, int connection, vtkInformationVector **inputVector)
vtkDataArrayGetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, int connection, vtkInformationVector **inputVector, int &association)
vtkDataArrayGetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkDataObject *input)
vtkDataArrayGetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkDataObject *input, int &association)
vtkAbstractArrayGetInputAbstractArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkInformationVector **inputVector)
vtkAbstractArrayGetInputAbstractArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkInformationVector **inputVector, int &association)
vtkAbstractArrayGetInputAbstractArrayToProcess (int idx, int connection, vtkInformationVector **inputVector)
vtkAbstractArrayGetInputAbstractArrayToProcess (int idx, int connection, vtkInformationVector **inputVector, int &association)
vtkAbstractArrayGetInputAbstractArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkDataObject *input)
vtkAbstractArrayGetInputAbstractArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkDataObject *input, int &association)
vtkInformationGetInputArrayFieldInformation (int idx, vtkInformationVector **inputVector)
virtual void SetNthInputConnection (int port, int index, vtkAlgorithmOutput *input)
void SetInputDataInternal (int port, vtkDataObject *input)
void AddInputDataInternal (int port, vtkDataObject *input)
int GetInputArrayAssociation (int idx, int connection, vtkInformationVector **inputVector)
int GetInputArrayAssociation (int idx, vtkDataObject *input)
vtkDataArrayGetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkInformationVector **inputVector)
vtkDataArrayGetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkInformationVector **inputVector, int &association)
vtkDataArrayGetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, int connection, vtkInformationVector **inputVector)
vtkDataArrayGetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, int connection, vtkInformationVector **inputVector, int &association)
vtkDataArrayGetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkDataObject *input)
vtkDataArrayGetInputArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkDataObject *input, int &association)
vtkAbstractArrayGetInputAbstractArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkInformationVector **inputVector)
vtkAbstractArrayGetInputAbstractArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkInformationVector **inputVector, int &association)
vtkAbstractArrayGetInputAbstractArrayToProcess (int idx, int connection, vtkInformationVector **inputVector)
vtkAbstractArrayGetInputAbstractArrayToProcess (int idx, int connection, vtkInformationVector **inputVector, int &association)
vtkAbstractArrayGetInputAbstractArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkDataObject *input)
vtkAbstractArrayGetInputAbstractArrayToProcess (int idx, vtkDataObject *input, int &association)
vtkInformationGetInputArrayFieldInformation (int idx, vtkInformationVector **inputVector)
virtual void SetErrorCode (unsigned long)
virtual void SetNthInputConnection (int port, int index, vtkAlgorithmOutput *input)
void SetInputDataInternal (int port, vtkDataObject *input)
void AddInputDataInternal (int port, vtkDataObject *input)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkObject
 vtkObject ()
virtual ~vtkObject ()
void RegisterInternal (vtkObjectBase *, vtkTypeBool check) VTK_OVERRIDE
void UnRegisterInternal (vtkObjectBase *, vtkTypeBool check) VTK_OVERRIDE
void InternalGrabFocus (vtkCommand *mouseEvents, vtkCommand *keypressEvents=NULL)
void InternalReleaseFocus ()
void InternalGrabFocus (vtkCommand *mouseEvents, vtkCommand *keypressEvents=NULL)
void InternalReleaseFocus ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkObjectBase
 vtkObjectBase ()
virtual ~vtkObjectBase ()
virtual void CollectRevisions (ostream &)
 vtkObjectBase (const vtkObjectBase &)
void operator= (const vtkObjectBase &)

Protected Attributes

int NP
float RL
float Overlap
int PMin
float BB
int CenterFindingMethod
int ComputeSOD
float RhoC
float SODMass
float MinRadiusFactor
float MaxRadiusFactor
int SODBins
int MinFOFSize
float MinFOFMass
HaloFinderInternals::ParticleData * Particles
HaloFinderInternals::HaloData * Halos
cosmotk::CosmoHaloFinderP * HaloFinder
- Protected Attributes inherited from vtkAlgorithm
double Progress
char * ProgressText
unsigned long ErrorCode
- Protected Attributes inherited from vtkObject
bool Debug
vtkTimeStamp MTime
vtkSubjectHelper * SubjectHelper
- Protected Attributes inherited from vtkObjectBase
vtkAtomicInt32 ReferenceCount
vtkWeakPointerBase ** WeakPointers

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkAlgorithm
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyPORT_REQUIREMENTS_FILLED ()
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from vtkAlgorithm
static vtkExecutiveDefaultExecutivePrototype

Detailed Description

find halos within a cosmology data file

vtkPLANLHaloFinder is a filter object that operates on the unstructured grid of all particles and assigns each particle a halo id.

Definition at line 40 of file vtkPLANLHaloFinder.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Superclass

Definition at line 54 of file vtkPLANLHaloFinder.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Definition at line 43 of file vtkPLANLHaloFinder.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ vtkPLANLHaloFinder()

vtkPLANLHaloFinder::vtkPLANLHaloFinder ( )

◆ ~vtkPLANLHaloFinder()

vtkPLANLHaloFinder::~vtkPLANLHaloFinder ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ New()

static vtkPLANLHaloFinder* vtkPLANLHaloFinder::New ( )

◆ GetClassName()

virtual const char* vtkPLANLHaloFinder::GetClassName ( )

◆ IsTypeOf()

static int vtkPLANLHaloFinder::IsTypeOf ( const char *  type)

◆ IsA()

virtual int vtkPLANLHaloFinder::IsA ( const char *  type)

Reimplemented from vtkUnstructuredGridAlgorithm.

◆ SafeDownCast()

static vtkPLANLHaloFinder* vtkPLANLHaloFinder::SafeDownCast ( vtkObject o)

◆ PrintSelf()

void vtkPLANLHaloFinder::PrintSelf ( ostream &  os,
vtkIndent  indent 

Reimplemented from vtkUnstructuredGridAlgorithm.

◆ GetController()

virtual vtkMultiProcessController* vtkPLANLHaloFinder::GetController ( )

Set the communicator object for interprocess communication.

◆ SetController()

virtual void vtkPLANLHaloFinder::SetController ( vtkMultiProcessController )

Set the communicator object for interprocess communication.

◆ SetNP()

virtual void vtkPLANLHaloFinder::SetNP ( int  )

Specify the number of seeded particles in one dimension (total = np^3) (default 256)

◆ GetNP()

virtual int vtkPLANLHaloFinder::GetNP ( )

Specify the number of seeded particles in one dimension (total = np^3) (default 256)

◆ SetRL()

virtual void vtkPLANLHaloFinder::SetRL ( float  )

Specify the physical box dimensions size (rL) (default 100.0)

◆ GetRL()

virtual float vtkPLANLHaloFinder::GetRL ( )

Specify the physical box dimensions size (rL) (default 100.0)

◆ SetOverlap()

virtual void vtkPLANLHaloFinder::SetOverlap ( float  )

Specify the ghost cell spacing (in rL units) (edge boundary of processor box) (default 5)

◆ GetOverlap()

virtual float vtkPLANLHaloFinder::GetOverlap ( )

Specify the ghost cell spacing (in rL units) (edge boundary of processor box) (default 5)

◆ SetPMin()

virtual void vtkPLANLHaloFinder::SetPMin ( int  )

Specify the minimum number of particles for a halo (pmin) (default 100)

◆ GetPMin()

virtual int vtkPLANLHaloFinder::GetPMin ( )

Specify the minimum number of particles for a halo (pmin) (default 100)

◆ SetBB()

virtual void vtkPLANLHaloFinder::SetBB ( float  )

Specify the linking length (bb) (default .2)

◆ GetBB()

virtual float vtkPLANLHaloFinder::GetBB ( )

Specify the linking length (bb) (default .2)

◆ SetComputeSOD()

virtual void vtkPLANLHaloFinder::SetComputeSOD ( int  )

Turn on calculation of SOD halos (default off)

◆ GetComputeSOD()

virtual int vtkPLANLHaloFinder::GetComputeSOD ( )

Turn on calculation of SOD halos (default off)

◆ SetCenterFindingMethod()

virtual void vtkPLANLHaloFinder::SetCenterFindingMethod ( int  )

Specify the FOF center to use in SOD calculations (0 = default, center of mass, 1 = average, 2 = MBP, 3 = MCP)

◆ GetCenterFindingMethod()

virtual int vtkPLANLHaloFinder::GetCenterFindingMethod ( )

Specify the FOF center to use in SOD calculations (0 = default, center of mass, 1 = average, 2 = MBP, 3 = MCP)

◆ SetRhoC()

virtual void vtkPLANLHaloFinder::SetRhoC ( float  )

Specify rho_c (critical density) (default 2.77536627e11)

◆ GetRhoC()

virtual float vtkPLANLHaloFinder::GetRhoC ( )

Specify rho_c (critical density) (default 2.77536627e11)

◆ SetSODMass()

virtual void vtkPLANLHaloFinder::SetSODMass ( float  )

Specify the initial SOD mass (default 1.0e14)

◆ GetSODMass()

virtual float vtkPLANLHaloFinder::GetSODMass ( )

Specify the initial SOD mass (default 1.0e14)

◆ SetMinRadiusFactor()

virtual void vtkPLANLHaloFinder::SetMinRadiusFactor ( float  )

Specify the minimum radius factor (default 0.5)

◆ GetMinRadiusFactor()

virtual float vtkPLANLHaloFinder::GetMinRadiusFactor ( )

Specify the minimum radius factor (default 0.5)

◆ SetMaxRadiusFactor()

virtual void vtkPLANLHaloFinder::SetMaxRadiusFactor ( float  )

Specify the maximum radius factor (default 2.0)

◆ GetMaxRadiusFactor()

virtual float vtkPLANLHaloFinder::GetMaxRadiusFactor ( )

Specify the maximum radius factor (default 2.0)

◆ SetSODBins()

virtual void vtkPLANLHaloFinder::SetSODBins ( int  )

Specify the number of bins for SOD finding (default 20)

◆ GetSODBins()

virtual int vtkPLANLHaloFinder::GetSODBins ( )

Specify the number of bins for SOD finding (default 20)

◆ SetMinFOFSize()

virtual void vtkPLANLHaloFinder::SetMinFOFSize ( int  )

Specify the minimum FOF size for an SOD halo (default 1000)

◆ GetMinFOFSize()

virtual int vtkPLANLHaloFinder::GetMinFOFSize ( )

Specify the minimum FOF size for an SOD halo (default 1000)

◆ SetMinFOFMass()

virtual void vtkPLANLHaloFinder::SetMinFOFMass ( float  )

Specify the minimum FOF mass for an SOD halo (default 5.0e12)

◆ GetMinFOFMass()

virtual float vtkPLANLHaloFinder::GetMinFOFMass ( )

Specify the minimum FOF mass for an SOD halo (default 5.0e12)

◆ RequestData()

virtual int vtkPLANLHaloFinder::RequestData ( vtkInformation ,
vtkInformationVector **  ,

Reimplemented from vtkUnstructuredGridAlgorithm.

◆ CheckOutputIntegrity()

bool vtkPLANLHaloFinder::CheckOutputIntegrity ( vtkUnstructuredGrid outputParticles)

Checks the integrid of the output particles.

Primarily the method ensures that required arrays used in computation are available.

◆ ComputeFOFHalos()

void vtkPLANLHaloFinder::ComputeFOFHalos ( vtkUnstructuredGrid particles,
vtkUnstructuredGrid haloCenters 

Computes the FOF halos based on the user-supplied linking length and PMin parameters.

◆ ComputeSODHalos()

void vtkPLANLHaloFinder::ComputeSODHalos ( vtkUnstructuredGrid particles,
vtkUnstructuredGrid haloCenters 

Given pre-computed FOF halos, this method computes the SOD halos.

◆ VectorizeData()

void vtkPLANLHaloFinder::VectorizeData ( vtkUnstructuredGrid particles)

Vectorize the data since the halo-finder expects the data as different vectors.

◆ ComputeFOFHaloProperties()

void vtkPLANLHaloFinder::ComputeFOFHaloProperties ( )

Computes FOF halo properties, i.e., fofMass, fofXPos, etc.

◆ InitializeHaloCenters()

void vtkPLANLHaloFinder::InitializeHaloCenters ( vtkUnstructuredGrid haloCenters,
unsigned int  N 

Initializes the haloCenter output (output-2 of the filter) s.t.

the data-structure is ready to store all FOF properties for each of the N halos.

◆ MarkHaloParticlesAndGetCenter()

void vtkPLANLHaloFinder::MarkHaloParticlesAndGetCenter ( const unsigned int  halo,
const int  internalHaloIdx,
double  center[3],
vtkUnstructuredGrid particles 

Marks the halos of the given halo and computes the center using the prescribed center-finding method.

◆ ResetHaloFinderInternals()

void vtkPLANLHaloFinder::ResetHaloFinderInternals ( )

Resets halo-finder internal data-structures.

◆ InitializeSODHaloArrays()

void vtkPLANLHaloFinder::InitializeSODHaloArrays ( vtkUnstructuredGrid haloCenters)

Initialize the SOD haloArrays.

Member Data Documentation

◆ CenterDetectionAlgorithm

enum { ... } vtkPLANLHaloFinder::CenterDetectionAlgorithm

◆ Controller

vtkMultiProcessController* vtkPLANLHaloFinder::Controller

Definition at line 250 of file vtkPLANLHaloFinder.h.

◆ NP

int vtkPLANLHaloFinder::NP

Definition at line 252 of file vtkPLANLHaloFinder.h.

◆ RL

float vtkPLANLHaloFinder::RL

Definition at line 253 of file vtkPLANLHaloFinder.h.

◆ Overlap

float vtkPLANLHaloFinder::Overlap

Definition at line 254 of file vtkPLANLHaloFinder.h.

◆ PMin

int vtkPLANLHaloFinder::PMin

Definition at line 255 of file vtkPLANLHaloFinder.h.

◆ BB

float vtkPLANLHaloFinder::BB

Definition at line 256 of file vtkPLANLHaloFinder.h.

◆ CenterFindingMethod

int vtkPLANLHaloFinder::CenterFindingMethod

Definition at line 258 of file vtkPLANLHaloFinder.h.

◆ ComputeSOD

int vtkPLANLHaloFinder::ComputeSOD

Definition at line 259 of file vtkPLANLHaloFinder.h.

◆ RhoC

float vtkPLANLHaloFinder::RhoC

Definition at line 261 of file vtkPLANLHaloFinder.h.

◆ SODMass

float vtkPLANLHaloFinder::SODMass

Definition at line 262 of file vtkPLANLHaloFinder.h.

◆ MinRadiusFactor

float vtkPLANLHaloFinder::MinRadiusFactor

Definition at line 263 of file vtkPLANLHaloFinder.h.

◆ MaxRadiusFactor

float vtkPLANLHaloFinder::MaxRadiusFactor

Definition at line 264 of file vtkPLANLHaloFinder.h.

◆ SODBins

int vtkPLANLHaloFinder::SODBins

Definition at line 265 of file vtkPLANLHaloFinder.h.

◆ MinFOFSize

int vtkPLANLHaloFinder::MinFOFSize

Definition at line 266 of file vtkPLANLHaloFinder.h.

◆ MinFOFMass

float vtkPLANLHaloFinder::MinFOFMass

Definition at line 267 of file vtkPLANLHaloFinder.h.

◆ Particles

HaloFinderInternals::ParticleData* vtkPLANLHaloFinder::Particles

Definition at line 269 of file vtkPLANLHaloFinder.h.

◆ Halos

HaloFinderInternals::HaloData* vtkPLANLHaloFinder::Halos

Definition at line 270 of file vtkPLANLHaloFinder.h.

◆ HaloFinder

cosmotk::CosmoHaloFinderP* vtkPLANLHaloFinder::HaloFinder

Definition at line 271 of file vtkPLANLHaloFinder.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: