12 #ifndef vtkPVCompositeOrthographicSliceRepresentation_h 13 #define vtkPVCompositeOrthographicSliceRepresentation_h 31 this->SetSliceRepresentation(0, repr);
35 this->SetSliceRepresentation(1, repr);
39 this->SetSliceRepresentation(2, repr);
71 unsigned int Initialize(
unsigned int minIdAvailable,
unsigned int maxIdAvailable)
void SetSliceRepresentation2(vtkGeometrySliceRepresentation *repr)
a data-representation used by ParaView.
bool RemoveFromView(vtkView *view) override
Removes the representation to the view.
unsigned int Initialize(unsigned int minIdAvailable, unsigned int maxIdAvailable) override
Override because of internal composite representations that need to be initialized as well...
void SetSliceRepresentation0(vtkGeometrySliceRepresentation *repr)
void MarkModified() override
Propagate the modification to all internal representations.
void SetVisibility(bool visible) override
Set visibility of the representation.
void RemoveInputConnection(int port, vtkAlgorithmOutput *input) override
Passed on to internal representations as well.
static vtkPVCompositeRepresentation * New()
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
vtkPVCompositeOrthographicSliceRepresentation is designed for use with vtkPVOrthographicSliceView.
void SetInputConnection(int port, vtkAlgorithmOutput *input) override
Passed on to internal representations as well.
void AddInputConnection(int port, vtkAlgorithmOutput *input) override
Passed on to internal representations as well.
bool AddToView(vtkView *view) override
Adds the representation to the view.
void SetSliceRepresentation1(vtkGeometrySliceRepresentation *repr)
extends vtkGeometryRepresentation to add support for showing just specific slices from the dataset...