5 #ifndef HyperTreeGridADR_server_manager_modules_data_h 6 #define HyperTreeGridADR_server_manager_modules_data_h 15 "<ServerManagerConfiguration>\n" 16 " <ProxyGroup name=\"array_measurement\">\n" 17 " <NullProxy name=\"None\"></NullProxy>\n" 18 " <Proxy class=\"vtkArithmeticMeanArrayMeasurement\"\n" 19 " name=\"Arithmetic Mean\">\n" 22 " <Link name=\"Input\"\n" 23 " with_property=\"Input\" />\n" 27 " <Proxy class=\"vtkGeometricMeanArrayMeasurement\"\n" 28 " name=\"Geometric Mean\">\n" 31 " <Link name=\"Input\"\n" 32 " with_property=\"Input\" />\n" 36 " <Proxy class=\"vtkHarmonicMeanArrayMeasurement\"\n" 37 " name=\"Harmonic Mean\">\n" 40 " <Link name=\"Input\"\n" 41 " with_property=\"Input\" />\n" 45 " <Proxy class=\"vtkQuantileArrayMeasurement\"\n" 46 " name=\"Quantile\">\n" 49 " <Link name=\"Input\"\n" 50 " with_property=\"Input\" />\n" 53 " <DoubleVectorProperty command=\"SetPercentile\"\n" 54 " default_values=\"50.0\"\n" 55 " name=\"Percentile\"\n" 56 " number_of_elements=\"1\">\n" 57 " <DoubleRangeDomain name=\"range\" />\n" 59 " Set the percentile for measurement. Setting is to 50.0 is equivalent with computing the median.\n" 61 " </DoubleVectorProperty>\n" 63 " <Proxy class=\"vtkMaxArrayMeasurement\"\n" 67 " <Link name=\"Input\"\n" 68 " with_property=\"Input\" />\n" 72 " <Proxy class=\"vtkEntropyArrayMeasurement\"\n" 73 " name=\"Entropy\">\n" 76 " <Link name=\"Input\"\n" 77 " with_property=\"Input\" />\n" 81 " <Proxy class=\"vtkStandardDeviationArrayMeasurement\"\n" 82 " name=\"Standard Deviation\">\n" 85 " <Link name=\"Input\"\n" 86 " with_property=\"Input\" />\n" 91 " <ProxyGroup name=\"filters\" >\n" 92 " <SourceProxy name=\"ResampleToHyperTreeGrid\" class=\"vtkResampleToHyperTreeGrid\" label=\"Resample To Hyper Tree Grid\" >\n" 93 " <Documentation long_help=\"Warning: this plugin is a beta. Adaptive Mesh Refinement using a Hyper Tree Grid. The output is a Hyper Tree grid such that its leaves store a value measuring some property of the set of points inside them. Leaves are subdivided given some user defined heuristic.\"\n" 94 " short_help=\"Adaptive Mesh Refinement using a Hyper Tree Grid.\" >\n" 95 " This Filter generates a Hyper Tree Grid from any input data set which has point data.\n" 96 " Leaves of the Hyper Tree Grid are subdivided if the subset of points inside that leave\n" 97 " match a crietrion set by the user on the input point data. The criterion is displayed, as\n" 98 " well as an other way to represent the set of data in the subset.\n" 100 " <InputProperty name=\"Input\"\n" 101 " command=\"SetInputConnection\" >\n" 102 " <ProxyGroupDomain name=\"groups\" >\n" 103 " <Group name=\"sources\" />\n" 104 " <Group name=\"filters\" />\n" 105 " </ProxyGroupDomain>\n" 106 " <DataTypeDomain name=\"input_type\" >\n" 107 " <DataType value=\"vtkDataSet\" />\n" 108 " </DataTypeDomain>\n" 109 " </InputProperty>\n" 110 " <IntVectorProperty name=\"Dimensions\"\n" 111 " label=\"Dimensions\"\n" 112 " command=\"SetDimensions\"\n" 113 " number_of_elements=\"3\"\n" 114 " animateable=\"1\"\n" 115 " default_values=\"3 3 3\" >\n" 117 " Dimensions of the Hyper Tree Grid.\n" 118 " </Documentation>\n" 119 " </IntVectorProperty>\n" 120 " <IntVectorProperty name=\"BranchFactor\"\n" 121 " label=\"Branch Factor\"\n" 122 " command=\"SetBranchFactor\"\n" 123 " number_of_elements=\"1\"\n" 124 " default_values=\"2\" >\n" 125 " <EnumerationDomain name=\"enum\" >\n" 126 " <Entry value=\"2\" text=\"2\" />\n" 127 " <Entry value=\"3\" text=\"3\" />\n" 128 " </EnumerationDomain>\n" 130 " Branch factor of the output Hyper Tree Grid.\n" 131 " </Documentation>\n" 132 " </IntVectorProperty>\n" 133 " <IntVectorProperty name=\"MaxDepth\"\n" 134 " label=\"MaxDepth\"\n" 135 " command=\"SetMaxDepth\"\n" 136 " number_of_elements=\"1\"\n" 137 " animateable=\"0\"\n" 138 " default_values=\"1\" >\n" 140 " Maximum tree depth of output Hyper Tree Grid.\n" 141 " </Documentation>\n" 142 " </IntVectorProperty>\n" 143 " <StringVectorProperty clean_command=\"ClearDataArrays\"\n" 144 " command=\"AddDataArray\"\n" 145 " name=\"PointDataArrays\"\n" 146 " label=\"Point Data Array to process\"\n" 147 " number_of_elements_per_command=\"1\"\n" 148 " repeat_command=\"1\">\n" 149 " <Documentation>Add a point array by name to be resampled.</Documentation>\n" 150 " <ArrayListDomain input_domain_name=\"input_array\" name=\"array_list\">\n" 151 " <RequiredProperties>\n" 152 " <Property function=\"Input\" name=\"Input\" />\n" 153 " </RequiredProperties>\n" 154 " </ArrayListDomain>\n" 155 " </StringVectorProperty>\n" 156 " <StringVectorProperty name=\"SelectInputScalars\"\n" 157 " label=\"Subdividing Criterion Array\"\n" 158 " command=\"SetInputArrayToProcess\"\n" 159 " number_of_elements=\"5\"\n" 160 " element_types=\"int int int int str\"\n" 161 " animateable=\"0\" >\n" 162 " <ArrayListDomain name=\"array_list\"\n" 163 " attribute_type=\"Scalars\"\n" 164 " input_domain_name=\"inputs_array\" >\n" 165 " <RequiredProperties>\n" 166 " <Property name=\"Input\"\n" 167 " function=\"Input\" />\n" 168 " </RequiredProperties>\n" 169 " </ArrayListDomain>\n" 171 " Input point data used as a subdividing criterion to build the hypertree grid.\n" 172 " </Documentation>\n" 173 " </StringVectorProperty>\n" 174 " <IntVectorProperty name=\"UseMax\"\n" 175 " command=\"SetMaxState\"\n" 176 " label=\"Use Max\"\n" 177 " number_of_elements=\"1\"\n" 178 " default_values=\"1\">\n" 179 " <BooleanDomain name=\"bool\" />\n" 181 " If not checked, Max is set to infinity.\n" 182 " </Documentation>\n" 183 " </IntVectorProperty>\n" 184 " <DoubleVectorProperty name=\"Max\"\n" 185 " command=\"SetMax\"\n" 186 " number_of_elements=\"1\"\n" 187 " default_values=\"1\">\n" 189 " <PropertyWidgetDecorator type=\"EnableWidgetDecorator\">\n" 190 " <Property name=\"UseMax\" function=\"boolean\" />\n" 191 " </PropertyWidgetDecorator>\n" 194 " Leaves are subdivided if the Subdividing Criterion is lower than Max.\n" 195 " </Documentation>\n" 196 " </DoubleVectorProperty>\n" 197 " <IntVectorProperty name=\"UseMin\"\n" 198 " command=\"SetMinState\"\n" 199 " label=\"Use Min\"\n" 200 " number_of_elements=\"1\"\n" 201 " default_values=\"1\">\n" 202 " <BooleanDomain name=\"bool\"/>\n" 204 " If not checked, Min is set to minus infinity.\n" 205 " </Documentation>\n" 206 " </IntVectorProperty>\n" 207 " <DoubleVectorProperty name=\"Min\"\n" 208 " command=\"SetMin\"\n" 209 " number_of_elements=\"1\"\n" 210 " default_values=\"0\" >\n" 212 " <PropertyWidgetDecorator type=\"EnableWidgetDecorator\">\n" 213 " <Property name=\"UseMin\" function=\"boolean\" />\n" 214 " </PropertyWidgetDecorator>\n" 217 " Leaves are subdivided if the Subdividing Criterion is greater than Min.\n" 218 " </Documentation>\n" 219 " </DoubleVectorProperty>\n" 220 " <IntVectorProperty name=\"MinimumNumberOfPointsInSubtree\"\n" 221 " command=\"SetMinimumNumberOfPointsInSubtree\"\n" 222 " number_of_elements=\"1\"\n" 223 " default_values=\"1\" >\n" 225 " Nodes are subdivided if an only if their non-empty children have at least this amount of points.\n" 226 " </Documentation>\n" 227 " </IntVectorProperty>\n" 228 " <IntVectorProperty name=\"InsideRange\"\n" 229 " command=\"SetInRange\"\n" 230 " number_of_elements=\"1\"\n" 231 " default_values=\"1\" >\n" 232 " <BooleanDomain name=\"bool\" />\n" 234 " Inverts the criterion. Leafs are subdivided if the Subdividing Criterion is outside of [Min, Max]\n" 235 " </Documentation>\n" 236 " </IntVectorProperty>\n" 237 " <IntVectorProperty name=\"NoEmptyCells\"\n" 238 " command=\"SetNoEmptyCells\"\n" 239 " number_of_elements=\"1\"\n" 240 " default_values=\"0\" >\n" 241 " <BooleanDomain name=\"bool\" />\n" 243 " Forces the output hyper tree grid to not produce empty cells by limiting subdivisions.\n" 244 " When producing the Hyper Tree Grid output, if any of the potential leaves of a node\n" 245 " don't have point data but intersect with the geometry of the input, the node is not\n" 246 " subdivided, and thus becomes a leaf. This parameter is trumped by Extrapolate Point Data\n" 248 " </Documentation>\n" 249 " </IntVectorProperty>\n" 250 " <IntVectorProperty name=\"ExtrapolatePointData\"\n" 251 " command=\"SetExtrapolate\"\n" 252 " number_of_elements=\"1\"\n" 253 " default_values=\"0\" >\n" 254 " <BooleanDomain name=\"bool\" />\n" 256 " Forces the output hyper tree grid to not produce empty cells by extrapolation.\n" 257 " Leaves intersecting the input geometry but not having any point data are\n" 258 " extrapolated by averaging. The averages are computed from the Hyper Tree Grid\n" 259 " that would be produced if this parameter was off, using Von Neumann super cursors.\n" 260 " </Documentation>\n" 261 " </IntVectorProperty>\n" 262 " <ProxyProperty command=\"SetArrayMeasurement\"\n" 263 " label=\"Subdividing Criterion\"\n" 264 " name=\"ArrayMeasurement\">\n" 265 " <ProxyListDomain name=\"proxy_list\">\n" 266 " <Group name=\"array_measurement\" default=\"Arithmetic Mean\" />\n" 267 " </ProxyListDomain>\n" 268 " <Documentation>This property sets the array measurement method used for\n" 269 " subdividing leaves in the hyper tree grid.</Documentation>\n" 270 " </ProxyProperty>\n" 271 " <ProxyProperty command=\"SetArrayMeasurementDisplay\"\n" 272 " label=\"Averaging method\"\n" 273 " name=\"ArrayMeasurementDisplay\">\n" 274 " <ProxyListDomain name=\"proxy_list\">\n" 275 " <Group name=\"array_measurement\" default=\"None\" />\n" 276 " </ProxyListDomain>\n" 277 " <Documentation>This property sets an extra array measurement method only for visualization\n" 278 " purposes. This measurement is applied to the list of inputs.</Documentation>\n" 279 " </ProxyProperty>\n" 280 " <!-- End ResampleToHyperTreeGrid -->\n" 283 "</ServerManagerConfiguration>\n" 292 char* res =
new char[ len + 1];
295 assert(offset == len);
static const char *const HyperTreeGridADR_server_manager_modulesHyperTreeGridFiltersInterface0
char * HyperTreeGridADR_server_manager_modulesHyperTreeGridFiltersGetInterfaces()