virtual const char * | GetClassName () |
virtual int | IsA (const char *type) |
void | PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override |
virtual vtkSMProxy * | GetColorTransferFunction (const char *arrayName, vtkSMSessionProxyManager *pxm) |
| Returns a color transfer function proxy instance for mapping a data array with the given name. More...
virtual vtkSMProxy * | GetOpacityTransferFunction (const char *arrayName, vtkSMSessionProxyManager *pxm) |
| Returns a opacity transfer function proxy (aka Piecewise Function) instance for mapping a data array with the given name. More...
virtual vtkSMProxy * | GetTransferFunction2D (const char *arrayName, vtkSMSessionProxyManager *pxm) |
| Returns a 2D transfer function proxy (aka Image Data) instance. More...
virtual vtkSMProxy * | GetTransferFunction2D (const char *arrayName, const char *array2Name, vtkSMSessionProxyManager *pxm) |
virtual vtkSMProxy * | GetScalarBarRepresentation (vtkSMProxy *colorTransferFunctionProxy, vtkSMProxy *view) |
| Returns the scalar-bar (color-legend) representation corresponding to the transfer function for the view (currently only render-views are supported). More...
void | ResetAllTransferFunctionRangesUsingCurrentData (vtkSMSessionProxyManager *pxm, bool animating=false) |
| Iterates over all "known" transfer function proxies and request each one of them to update its range using data information currently available. More...
virtual bool | UpdateScalarBars (vtkSMProxy *viewProxy, unsigned int mode) |
| Updates the scalar bar visibility in the view. More...
virtual bool | UpdateScalarBarsComponentTitle (vtkSMProxy *lutProxy, vtkSMProxy *representation) |
| Updates all scalar bars using provided lutProxy, the representation is used to recover the component title. More...
virtual bool | HideScalarBarIfNotNeeded (vtkSMProxy *lutProxy, vtkSMProxy *view) |
| Hides the scalar bar, if any, for the lutProxy in the view if it's not being used. More...
| vtkBaseTypeMacro (vtkObject, vtkObjectBase) |
virtual void | DebugOn () |
virtual void | DebugOff () |
bool | GetDebug () |
void | SetDebug (bool debugFlag) |
virtual void | Modified () |
virtual vtkMTimeType | GetMTime () |
void | RemoveObserver (unsigned long tag) |
void | RemoveObservers (unsigned long event) |
void | RemoveObservers (const char *event) |
void | RemoveAllObservers () |
int | HasObserver (unsigned long event) |
int | HasObserver (const char *event) |
int | InvokeEvent (unsigned long event) |
int | InvokeEvent (const char *event) |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f) |
unsigned long | AddObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f) |
vtkCommand * | GetCommand (unsigned long tag) |
void | RemoveObserver (vtkCommand *) |
void | RemoveObservers (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *) |
void | RemoveObservers (const char *event, vtkCommand *) |
int | HasObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *) |
int | HasObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *) |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(), float priority=0.0f) |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f) |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, bool(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f) |
int | InvokeEvent (unsigned long event, void *callData) |
int | InvokeEvent (const char *event, void *callData) |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f) |
unsigned long | AddObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f) |
vtkCommand * | GetCommand (unsigned long tag) |
void | RemoveObserver (vtkCommand *) |
void | RemoveObservers (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *) |
void | RemoveObservers (const char *event, vtkCommand *) |
int | HasObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *) |
int | HasObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *) |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(), float priority=0.0f) |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f) |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, bool(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f) |
int | InvokeEvent (unsigned long event, void *callData) |
int | InvokeEvent (const char *event, void *callData) |
const char * | GetClassName () const |
virtual void | Delete () |
virtual void | FastDelete () |
void | Print (ostream &os) |
virtual void | Register (vtkObjectBase *o) |
virtual void | UnRegister (vtkObjectBase *o) |
void | SetReferenceCount (int) |
virtual void | PrintHeader (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) |
virtual void | PrintTrailer (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) |
int | GetReferenceCount () |
void | PrintRevisions (ostream &) |
virtual void | PrintHeader (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) |
virtual void | PrintTrailer (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) |
int | GetReferenceCount () |
void | PrintRevisions (ostream &) |
manages transfer functions i.e.
color lookuptables and opacity piecewise functions for ParaView applications.
vtkSMTransferFunctionManager manages transfer functions i.e. color lookuptables and opacity piecewise functions for ParaView applications. vtkSMTransferFunctionManager implements the ParaView specific mechanism for managing such transfer function proxies where there's one transfer function created and maintained per data array name.
vtkSMTransferFunctionManager has no state. You can create as many instances as per your choosing to call the methods. It uses the session proxy manager to locate proxies registered using specific names under specific groups. Thus, the state is maintained by the proxy manager itself.
Definition at line 29 of file vtkSMTransferFunctionManager.h.