4 #ifndef pqAnimatablePropertiesComboBox_h 5 #define pqAnimatablePropertiesComboBox_h 7 #include "pqComponentsModule.h" 19 typedef QComboBox Superclass;
26 QString getCurrentPropertyName()
27 int getCurrentIndex()
33 bool getCollapseVectors()
40 int getVectorSizeFilter()
59 void setSourceWithoutProperties(
vtkSMProxy* proxy);
65 void setCollapseVectors(
bool val);
72 void setVectorSizeFilter(
int size);
77 void addSMProperty(
const QString& label,
const QString& propertyname,
int index);
83 void buildPropertyList();
88 void buildPropertyListInternal(
vtkSMProxy* proxy,
const QString& labelPrefix);
89 void addSMPropertyInternal(
const QString& label,
vtkSMProxy* proxy,
const QString& propertyname,
90 int index,
bool is_display_property =
unsigned int display_port = 0);
102 pqInternal* Internal;
void setUseBlankEntry(bool b)
Sometimes, we want the combo to show a empty field that does not represent any property.
proxy for a VTK object(s) on a server
pqAnimatablePropertiesComboBox is a combo box that can list the animatable properties of any proxy...