4 #ifndef pqRenderViewBase_h 5 #define pqRenderViewBase_h 43 virtual void resetCamera(
bool closest =
double offsetRatio = 0.9) = 0;
51 virtual void initializeAfterObjectsCreated();
56 void beginDelayInteractiveRender();
57 void endDelayInteractiveRender();
62 void updateStatusMessage();
69 bool eventFilter(QObject* caller, QEvent* e)
89 pqTimer* InteractiveDelayUpdateTimer;
Superclass for all view proxies.
This is a PQ abstraction of a generic view module.
void initialize() override
Use this method to initialize the pqObject state using the underlying vtkSMProxy. ...
pqRenderViewBase is an abstract base class for all render-view based views.
virtual void resetDisplay(bool closest=false)
Called to reset the view's display.
virtual QWidget * createWidget()=0
Subclasses must override this method to create a widget for the view.
pqServer (should be renamed to pqSession) is a pqServerManagerModelItem subclass that represents a vt...