15 #ifndef vtkFileSequenceParser_h 16 #define vtkFileSequenceParser_h 25 class RegularExpression;
33 void PrintSelf(ostream& os,
vtkIndent indent)
40 bool ParseFileSequence(
const char* file);
46 vtkGetStringMacro(SequenceName);
52 vtkGetMacro(SequenceIndex,
59 vtkGetMacro(SequenceIndexString, std::string);
73 vtkSetStringMacro(SequenceName);
Parses out the base file name of a file sequence and also the specific index of the given file...
vtksys::RegularExpression * reg_ex3
vtksys::RegularExpression * reg_ex4
vtksys::RegularExpression * reg_ex2
vtksys::RegularExpression * reg_ex5
vtksys::RegularExpression * reg_ex
vtksys::RegularExpression * reg_ex_last
std::string SequenceIndexString