Source code for

from paraview.simple.session import active_objects
from paraview.simple.rendering import Render

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[docs]def ResetCamera(view=None): """Resets camera settings to make the whole scene visible while preserving orientation. :param view: The camera for this view is reset. Optional, defaults to the active view. :type view: View proxy.""" if not view: view = active_objects.view if hasattr(view, "ResetCamera"): view.ResetCamera() if hasattr(view, "ResetDisplay"): view.ResetDisplay() Render(view)
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[docs]def ResetCameraToDirection( position=None, direction=None, up=None, view=None, bounds=None, sphere_bounds=None ): """Resets the settings of the camera to the given position and direction. :param position: Position of the camera. (default: [0,0,0]) :type position: 3-element tuple or list of floats. :param direction: Direction of the camera. (default: [0, 0, -1]) :type direction: 3-element tuple or list of floats. :param up: If provided, will be used as the camera's up direction. :type up: 3-element tuple or list of floats. :param view: If provided, modifies the camera in this view. :type view: View proxy. :param bounds: If provided, reset the camera using that bounds (min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, min_z, max_z). :type bounds: 6-element tuple or list of floats. :param sbounds: If provided, reset the camera using computed bounds from a sphere_bounds (center_x, center_y, center_z, radius). :type sbounds: 4-element tuple or list of floats. Examples -------- >> ResetCameraToDirection( ... direction=[-1, -1, -1], ... sphere_bounds=(-5, -4, -3, 25), ... ) >> ResetCameraToDirection( ... direction=[-1, -1, -1], ... bounds=( ... -30, 20, ... -29, 21, ... -28, 22, ... ), ... ) """ if position is None: position = [0, 0, 0] if direction is None: direction = [0, 0, -1] if not view: view = active_objects.view if hasattr(view, "CameraFocalPoint"): view.CameraFocalPoint = position if hasattr(view, "CameraPosition"): for i in range(3): view.CameraPosition[i] = position[i] - direction[i] if hasattr(view, "CameraViewUp") and up: view.CameraViewUp = up # More compact bounds definition if sphere_bounds is not None: x, y, z, r = sphere_bounds bounds = [ x - r, x + r, y - r, y + r, z - r, z + r, ] if hasattr(view, "ResetCamera") and bounds is not None: view.ResetCamera(bounds) Render(view) else: ResetCamera(view)